Also he was using the older power board design- just wasn’t capable of delivering as much power. The new design is a significant improvement. I think I recall something close to 20% increase in delivered power.
@blacklabs - I’d forgotten Julio used his version of the heat soak that @quartzglen posted about at the time. As I recall what @quartzglen posted, it was a long gradual power increase which is what I still do. When I looked at more recent roasts from him it appears he raised power much faster than his text description would suggest (I suspect he was scaling what he did on a commercial roaster to the Bullet). I’ve been reluctant to go back and redo my Recipe (too much like re-inventing the wheel) but I supposed I owe it to myself to try it.
I did a tasting of my attempt of the Julio roast and my regular roast for this bean. (Ethiopia Dry Process Hambela Goro) It wasn’t a true cupping, but was ‘interesting’.
Here is the roast profile from the 18 minute roast that I tried to duplicate from the award winning roast that Julio did in 2019:
Here is a link to my regular roast for this bean:
The Julio attempt was a little baked. The fruity flavors weren’t as prevalent as my regular roast.
There were other subtle differences, but the 18 minute roast wasn’t as different as I was expecting it to be.
In all fairness, the 18 minute roast may improve with resting. It has only been one day.
I don’t think that it is worth it (for me) to continue to pursue playing with this 18 minute roast.
A long rest has been my experience with my ~15 min roasts. Hadn’t considered it before- I related it to the beans but perhaps it’s as you are wondering and has more to do with roast duration. Interesting.