Creating a roast profile from do you do it?

Hey all,

Bit of a noob question but…

When the heck are people making decisions to change their roasting parameters (heat, fan, drum)? I understand charge temp and the slow reduction of heat throughout the roast (declining ROR) and maybe an increase of fan speed toward first crack to allow the chaff to escape the drum, etc.

Most profiles I see set the changes based on temp not time, which is fine…but when are ya’ll making these decisions? Some of the recipes have like 6-7 power changes and no fan change, some of only 1-2 power changes and a bunch of fan changes, etc. Like, when the heck do you decide to change the power? At what temp? Some of the temperatures seem a bit arbitrary or random but I reckon that’s because I am not understanding the roasters methodology.

I’d like to craft a roast profile for a Brazilian Chocola from scratch (333g) and wondering how to go about designing the roast profile with all of these variables.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Reading now, appreciate the assistance!!

This little cheap online class will debunk a lot of artistic pseudoscience that can be very confusing when you start your roasting journey.


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I think this course is still free for Bullet users, which is important to mention. I’ll just add a link to the original post.


Appreciate you linking this for me.
Have you taken this course or know anyone who has?

The coupon does indeed work still. Signed up and going through it now! Thanks so much.

I am a Morten Münchow student.
I did the virtual and the full live classes in Copenhagen at the Academy.

I am about to do the free class for bullet users mentioned by the other user, but then after that I think I am going to do the one you linked as well. And hopefully after that I’ll be able to really start creating my own roast profiles and whatnot. Hoping so anyway!

I used the coupon and then signed up with my e-mail address, zero problems. Worst case scenario just start from scratch with a different e-mail address and it should work. Other than that, contacting them directly and having them reset your account might also do the trick.

I reckon language won’t be an issue! Most people from that region speak English just fine, and the classes/website are hosted in English as well so you’re good to go there. Make the call!

did he ever tap into fan settings?

I have not gotten that far yet so I am not sure! Hopefully someone else who has taken the entirety of the course can help out here.

Oh sorry i was replying to @grrr. Any way as for the course i have already done it and he doesn’t tap into fan settings at all! I asked if he did on the live course in Copenhagen

For the class he wanted us to understand the flame before everything and for the intermediary class we were asked to not play with the fan.
If I remember we had the fan at F2 until FC and at F4 during DEV

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If you decide to take both (the free one mentioned by @braca19452f9m and the one mentioned by @grrr ) let us know if they are different content. Reading the course descriptions of the two I have a feeling the content may be very similar or have some overlap but one is tailored specifically to the Bullet.

Happy Roasting

Yeah, I was away, but now that I’m back I see that there’s some mix up between the two. Never even bothered to check because I was in a rush. Sincerely, I believe they’re the same.

Bullet Roast Profile Design Basics

  • 150 minutes of video divided into 6 video with sub chapters
  • 24 quizzes to make sure you incorporate the video teachings into your brain!
  • A new basis of certainty of what is important and what is NOT important
  • Simpler and more actionable approach New Product Development and Quality Control
  • A better understanding of how science can be used in coffee roasting
  • A certificate with your name on it upon course completion

Roast Profile Design Basics

  • 150 minutes of video divided into 6 video with sub chapters
  • 24 quizzes to make sure you incorporate the video teachings into your brain!
  • A new basis of certainty of what is important and what is NOT important
  • Simpler and more actionable approach New Product Development and Quality Control
  • A better understanding of how science can be used in coffee roasting
  • A certificate with your name on it upon course completion

I do think they are the same, just that one of them has “Bullet” in the name. The concepts, which are very sound and much helpful, should be the same. I think that Morten has this approach to roasting and especially colour and its repeatability, since his paper claims, which I found to be true, that 80% of the final result is in the colour. But hey, I might be wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time.

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Yeah so far I haven’t run into anything Bullet-specific so I am thinking it was just promoted that way but it’s the exact same course.

I spoke with Coffeemind yesterday. They said both classes have the bullet & I think there may be additional machines but I’m pretty sure there is more in the other class.

That’s great. When you see him again tell him to update the site so the users don’t have to wonder why they are seeing 2 identical pages with one word of difference. That word being “Bullet”. Also, I’m struggling with the semantics of “more”. I’d expect it to mean a greater quantity of something, but here we have 150 minutes split in 6 videos and 24 quizzes for both. Neither has more and can’t have by definition. They might be different although I doubt it, but I’m ready to hear what the differences are and admit that I’m wrong.

By the way, I really didn’t pay attention if there was a way to prove your Bullet ownership when signing up, which I hope there is, but if there isn’t, people should not, under any circumstances, share the coupon outside the Bullet community. That would be really wrong.

Yeah that sounds like we’re best buds. Just spoke to him over the phone because I was having issues signing up. Really nice guy & solved the issue quickly.