To remove every other blade, did you cut them off or did you manage to disassemble everything (I can’t do it myself, it feels like they are also glued…)
I used an exacto knife to get under the folded over ends of the blades on the outside of the squirrel cage and bent them up on both sides of the blades. They were not glued on the fan rails that I modified. Then I used a pair of needle nose pliers and carefully bent the blades inside the rails and they came right out without damage to the outside rails or the other blades.
I did not disassemble the fan.
Very impressive solution, thanks for sharing.
In B2B mode, do you move the piping away from the exhaust when you ramp up the shop vac to 100% or is this not needed? I’m just wondering if all that airflow makes pre-heat take longer between batches.
I don’t move the piping away. Because there is an air gap between the mini collection hood and the bullet exhaust, it doesn’t suck any of the hot air out of the Bullet.
I roasted 6 batches of 750grams of green beans today without stopping.
I roast 750g batches because I am using 1/2 gallon Mason jars with fermentation vacuum locking lids. If i weigh out 1 kilo of green beans, the 1/2 gallon jar can’t hold all of the beans after roasting because they have expanded too much.
These lids have a vacuum lock on them and come with a small hand pump.
I typically use recipes for my roasting. With this new setup, my preheat between batches is typically only about 5 minutes. And since I don’t have to stop and empty the chaff, I can roast more batches in less time.
Neighbors don’t care. My backyard is crying for some better management
I concede. Any chance you could share the .stl files for those tees and elbows you fabricated? I’m going to have to rework my setup