My approach was based on someone else’s (cash0612’s profiles) in these forums initially and then I started tweaking a little. He’s got well over 700 roasts under his belt majority at 1kg batches.
My 1kg batches starts with 572F PH and P9/D9/F3 at time of charge. Now you can’t preset F3 (I hope the team will allow us to do this soon) so I usually will bump to F3 as soon as the control panel allows me to while I drop the beans. Here’s an example Log in | Roast.World
I’ve also started to play around with a 581 PH but with P1/D9/F2 at time of charge to do a bit of heat soaking. I need to play with this a bit more, so far only did 2 such roasts and I’ve been pleased with it. Here’s a recent roast using that: Log in | Roast.World
The roast you posted “full flame style” I think that is too much and I’m not surprised you almost burned your beans given the high PH on top of P9 and F2 all the way - you got a runaway roast. You had a lot of chaff coming out the front because there’s not enough F to pull the chaff into the collector during the roast.
The thing is there is no right or wrong (my personal opinion) it’s what results are you trying to achieve. Take a look at bradm’s profiles, he starts with a 383PH for 1lb roasts. I learned a lot from bradm as well in the beginning. He aims for retaining more fruit and sweetness in his roasts.
I’m 16 months into roasting on the Bullet and just hit 90 roasts (I don’t roast every week). I learned a lot in that time and finally am at a point where I feel like I have a handle on this. I started primarily with 350g batches to get a feel for the machine play around with the settings to understand the impact. I wasn’t as methodical as others in these forums - you can find threads of folks who roast up to 10kg at 350g batches in the beginning to understand how changing the settings affects the cup.
I’m finding my preference is not to rush the drying phase. I try to aim for YP around 5 min mark or a hair longer(333-338F) if I can. I believe this gives a more even cup. If you search for me in RW (select Users and type in my UID or any of the folks I mentioned) you’ll see my 1kg roasts ranges from 10:30 to 13:00 mins long - some of this has to do with the beans and the ambient conditions and how long I want the DT after FC.
I don’t know where you’re located, whether you roast inside or outside. I’m in MA and roast in my kitchen. One thing about 1kg batches is you have to watch the info panel for warnings of the IGBT1 and PCB readings. In my roasting IGBT1 have gone into yellow warning but never red. As you can see from this thread many of us point a fan at the belly and make sure there is ample air circulation.
The journey has been fun for me esp transitioning from the FreshRoast - much more satisfying for me to roast on the Bullet. 
The analogy I always use is with roasting beans you don’t want to put it on high heat to scorch the exterior while the interior of the bean is under-developed. That is fine for searing a piece of steak to get medium rare and the steak would be nice and juicy, not so with beans.