Hi Roasters. I’m providing some air quality index (AQI) information that I think will interest you. I recently acquired an AQI analyzer because I was curious about exposures while roasting.
First some information about my setup: I use an in-line fan exhaust system that vents to the outside. I roast in my garage so I always have a big floor fan circulating a lot of air for my own comfort (it’s hot in Florida in the summers!) I am including a picture of my setup.
In short, the AQI meter indicates that everything is A-OK while roasting with my setup (see the still photo of the meter)
. What really surprised me was what the meter indicated during dumping of the roasted beans; the air quality deteriorated rapidly well beyond the point where the analyzer went into alarm. I have included a photo showing the meter at its highest reading.
In the photo you will see that the bottom/center number is the AQI, the bottom/right number on the meter indicates Particle Matter less than 10 microns (PM10), and the number right above PM10 is the PM2.5 indicator (Particle Matter less than 2.5 microns. Particles this small can enter the lungs and even the blood stream. This photo was shot with the meter sitting within a foot of the cooling bowl.
I repeated the measurement on a subsequent dump with the meter closer to my body, or within 2-2,5 feet. The photo of that dump will show that the AQI near me was still not good but the analyzer did not go into alarm.
In the future, I will keep as much distance as I can between myself and the cooling bowl while still being able to stir the beans, and will wear a mask like those we’ve all worn during the Covid pandemic.
Finally, I found an article regarding a study performed by an environmental agency at a coffee roasting and packaging facility. (https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2016-0080-3324.pdf In short, all employees involved in the process showed above acceptable exposure limits for various compounds related to coffee roasting and packaging. What I gather from this is that I should do my best to limit my exposure while enjoying my craft! Maybe you will come to the same conclusion.