Beans spilling out front slot below door

I am new here. I just finished my first seasoning roast on a Bullet r1 v1.5. Early in the roast at least 2 dozen green beans spilled out of the roaster through a slot on the lower front of the roaster. I also noticed several beans not moving between the bottom front of the drum and front on the roaster. The door remains shut. The roast otherwise seems normal. No unusual noises. The front axle of the drum is flush with the front of the roaster. The bean is a Nicaraguan bean.
Is losing beans like this normal or something to be concerned over? If this is not normal, what should I do next?

Hello and welcome!
Drum speed might be too low - choose D8 or D9. The friction between the beans and the drum inner surface is pretty high until it has been properly seasoned. This can cause the door to bump open or simply force themselves through the narrow gap as you experience…
If drum speed was high enough, there is definitely a too big gap between the inside of the front and the edge of the drum. As you report that the axel is flush with front could indicate that the drum is too far back and leaving that gap too wide. Either the drum will not jump completely forward and close the gap or the driving pulley on the back is restricting the drum from being pushed forward. The drum is spring loaded from the inside so it should always seat perfectly in the front ball bearing. You can also test this by pushing hard on the axel and it should move approximately 1mm backwards and the jump forward again. If all this is good then you probably have to change the shim(s) on the axle to a thinner one - however that should have been calibrated from the factory.


I checked the drum as you suggested. I pushed the drum back and it popped in place forward.
Just finished seasoning roast #2. This time no stuck or spilled beans. Thank you again!

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Changed my front bearing yesterday. The new bearing did not sit as flush as the previous one. Tried pushing it in but it would not budge. Put the front back in place. Went for a roast and some beans spilt out from the front. Looks like I need to push the bearing back into the front or remove the spacer from the front.

Remember the spare spacers/washers that came with the roaster? Sounds like you may have a need for one or more of them to make up for the bearing being a slightly different dimension.


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He needs to remove some spacers to move the drum forward.

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Yes… exactly right! Need to remove one or more. I found one that was thinner (2 thicknesses as I recall) so be cautious. Remove too many and the drum will scrape.


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