Being asked to sign in everywhere, all the time!

Please help! In the last week I’ve suddenly been prompted to sign in again on RoasTime and Roast.World many times.

An example: once signed in to RoasTime, I would like to add new beans I recently received, I am asked to sign in again and am redirected to the bean input page. If I try to edit the bean, I am prompted to sign in again. Eventually, I am stuck at the login page.

From the web directly, if I try to go to Roast.World, I am unable to login at all after multiple password reset attempts. In the developer console, I see many React errors and a 429 error associated with

I have somehow after many attempts been able to get into these forums by signing in to RoasTime. Not sure what to do from here.

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Hey @jclark754,

Thanks for reporting this. We will look into these and fix asap. Roast World recently switched from a SPA to a server-rendered app and so the culprit might be some broken login links.

For the RoasTime issue with adding a new bean, this seems to be caused by a broken link due to our recent change. We are working on a fix and will get this sorted asap.

For the web issue, do you mean that you’ve tried to reset your password and then you’re being logged out? I think in this case, you might need to wait a bit as the systems (from Google) automatically gives a timeout if you attempt to many times.


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Hey @jclark754,

Can you kindly double check if issue #1 has been resolved for you? We released a fix for this.


thank you, all looks well now on both issues actually!

The sign-in bug seems to be fixed. The ambient temp field still doesn’t work.

I have this issue as well and not allowed to click on the sign in button. GASP

Can you please share more details about this? Which button? What are you using to sign in with - email / google account? Screenshots please if you can.