Bug: 0.002kg shown as 0kg & feat: A "Zero inventory" button [fixed, added]

bean quantity discrepancy bug:
As you see, the chart says I have -0.002kg available but when I go to “Create Adjustment”, the popup says I have 0.000, so there is no adjustment needed. Then you try to add 0.002 and you cannot, RoastWorld adjustment regards 0.002 as 2kg! This is obviously a bug.

Other than fixing this bug, a feature that would be VERY useful, given that 90% of my bean quantity discrepancies just need to be zero’ed… is to have a ZERO INVENTORY BUTTON ! This way you can just tidy up your inventory quickly and easily.

Lastly, I would very much like there to be a way for me to RATE my beans, I don’t care if it is a cupping score type rating or a 5 star rating system, but I would very much like the rating for beans to be visible in the chart (and without having to go to edit mode).

Thanks guys, and if you’re the same team working on RoastTime, thanks for the latest updates, sounds like quite a bit of fixes and new things.


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Hey @mark.palmos,

I’ll get this fixed. & sure, the zero inventory button sounds like a useful button.


Thanks fella!

Hey @mark.palmos,

I looked into this further and the reason why you’re not seeing the “-0.002kg” is that we had set the display to only show up until two decimal places. I will get this fix to ensure that values such as 0.002kg and lower are shown until 0g.

Can you explain what you meant by this comment:

Then you try to add 0.002 and you cannot, RoastWorld adjustment regards 0.002 as 2kg! This is obviously a bug.

I’m not sure I fully understand what you meant.

Best regards,

Hey @mark.palmos,

A quick update, I fixed the issue where -0.002kg was being shown as 0k. This now shows the correct amount. I also added your suggestion of having a single “Zero inventory” button. This works by automatically zeroing your inventory for you.

Let me know how it goes.

Best regards,

@derrxb thanks for fixing this. I had the same issue but managed to work around it by first typing in .2 and then add the 00 after the period before I hit save to zero out my -0.002kg

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I added the “Reset inventory to Zero” button too. So if you get a chance to use that, let me know how it goes.

SUPERB!!! Thank you.