Ive never had this issue before so reporting here as just happened.
Roasttime just updated today on my PC and I carried out two roasts just now as usual using a base then cloned recipe (240ph, P7-P5-P4 and F3 throughout using 500g beans. First roast went ok, dumped beans, i then selected b2b roast using F1 and started new cloned recipe from RT. Roast went ok initially, on first A02 I clicked F2, the bullet crashed on second roast just around FC at circa 209c - it was when the ‘safety’ A-02 warning beep happened on the bullet- the screen started flashing and all buttons became unresponsive, even PRS - plus the telemetry to PC stopped. The only way to stop a fire / prevent damage was to quickly dump beans, turn machine off an on again after 5sec then quickly initiate cooling cycle. Roasttime 4.6.16 was used and firmware 605. The screen on bullet looked slightly corrupted as it read A.n on drum temp LED. I have a video can share if needed. Can you let me know any recommendations / diagnosis / preventions
An initial observation / bug also - in RT top left the old recipe was still showing in purple with an ‘i’ icon in circle next to it, however on left the correct latest recipe that i loaded was showing in the white text.
thanks Jamie