Bullet goes to “off” mode at the middle of the roast Error 9731: 10 Error 2304: 791

Hello Everyone!

The problem that I met today during the roast.
Bullet suddenly without sound of error goes to “off” mode during the roast.

On the third roast the bullet went to mode “off” almost in the end of roasting. Furthermore the panel stopped working either RoastTime. After the third rebooting it started to work and after 2 roasts same problem but only 3 min after start.
The logs shows
Error 9731: 10

Error 2304: 791

Error 9987: 10

Error 2304: 793

Error 10243: 10

Error 2304: 795

Error 3

Error 7000: 8192
Million time

Error 7000: 8192

Please help


Have you written an email to [email protected]? You can contact us through this email and provide your Serial Number to us; We can then diagnose with your roast profiles.

Best regards,

Hello. Thanks I’ll do that

It would be good to know what the diagnosed as the problem and the resolution.