This is the third time now that I’ve accidentally hit the space bar in the middle of a roast.
I really hate having the largest key on the keyboard being mapped to the only function that can accidentally terminate a roast. I know that with some quick clicking I can cycle back to roast mode and adjust my settings… but this is really not great UI design.
Is there any way to disable this behaviour in Roast Time?
If not… and if user-editable shortcuts aren’t on the roadmap, can I at least have an option to disable the one shortcut that I have never once meant to use (the PRS button works fine, thanks) and which keeps destroying my experimental data?
[Other users: if this has happened to you and you agree with me, can I get a hell yeah?]
Twice more last month. Because I’m using this machine for learning, I’m constantly back and forth to the browser to review other roasts and look things up. I think it’s just accidental – I’m switching back and forth to the browser, but that doesn’t seem to be when it happens.
I’m just about ready to use an AHK macro to completely disable the spacebar for RoasTime. It’ll mean I have to switch to a browser to make roast notes, but maybe that’s the best tradeoff.