Can you no longer share your roasts with people outside of roastworld?

I remember there was an option to get a link to your graph which was a way for you to share/insert your roast profile for others who don’t have access to

I can’t find that option anymore. Is it gone?

try roastworld. my roasts. look for the actions link on the left hand side and choose from there. there’s an embed, share and other actions you can try, located there.

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I’m an idiot.

So I’m realizing if your roast is "private’, the “embed” option doesn’t show up. I might’ve tweaked my settings to default roasts to private – but I’ve figured it out.

Thank you!


Where do you tweak that settings (to make all roasts private by default)?

Hi @kelis,

There’s no functionality to mark all roasts as private. However, you can mark a roast as private by clicking the lock icon on both Roast World and RoasTime.

Best regards,

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