i just ran my first test with some Natural beans from Columbia. I wanted to use a bean with high chaff output. I have roasted these beans many times before.
Here is a photo of the first real prototype:
I was pretty pleased with how everything fit together and thought that this was going to be a good solution.
It is not a good solution.
I ran a recipe that I had and added higher fan speeds as the roast progressed.
I was not expecting the results that I got.
Preheat was normal.
Charged at 375 IBTS.
I noticed that there was a lot of condensation in the tube and chaff collection jar even before I got to yellowing stage.
When I got to yellowing stage (331F), I was getting a lot of steam coming out of the fan exhaust.
I don’t remember ever seeing steam come out of my Bullet before. Smoke yes, but steam, No.
I kept bumping up the Fan speed and had my microphone in the tryer port so that I could hear fist crack.
First crack started about where I normally notice it: 393F
first crack went into rolling first crack in 30 seconds. Then second crack started and was louder than I have ever heard it before. At first, I thought that I was still in first crack. But when I checked the IBTS, I was already at 430F and a very robust roling second crack.
I dropped dark oily beans at 445F.
I tasted one, and it was not as bad as I was expecting it would be.
The funnel that I 3d printed didn’t hold up to the heat well and was starting to distort and soften.
Here is a photo of condensation in the tubing. Also you can see the jar lid that I printed that just clips in place when you press it down onto the jar.
I am thinking that maybe the steam excelerated the roasting process.
I think that I will patent this as a new process: instead of dry roasting, I will be steam roasting. (I am just kidding)
I will try another roast and start with the fan speed higher, But, I am not very hopeful at this point in time.
Edit: Very little chaff was collected in the chaff collector jar. None of the chaff escaped out of the fan exhaust.