Chaff Warning

Hi Just turned on my Aillio Bullet and cleaned out the chaff collector and fan etc.

When turning on and putting it into preheat mode the chaff warning and sound (beep) comes on.
Usually this fixes when you reseat the chaff collector or re fit the impeller.

Done both of these and still the same problem.

Wondering if the chaff collector sensor has gone or if there is something else going on?

When I switch it to roasting I get an error code 6384, I guess this is telling me not to roast when the chaff collector isnt on properly.

All the best Steve

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I’ve never heard of or seen this sensor. I don’t think there is a sensor for the chaff collector, so you may have another issue. I’ve had the whole thing apart, and I have removed my collector in the middle of a roast to clean it out.

You should check that the micro switch turns on the small cooling fan when you press it. Also check the connections on the “Back PCB” near the motor.

@prehistoricperk FYI CB / CE certified Bullets have a switch to turn off the exhaust fan / small cooling fan when you remove the chaff collector. If the chaff collector is not mounted during preheat the display will show “Chaf” :slight_smile:


Is this something only the euro/non-us markets received?

Doesn’t affect me so I never tried to understand the details but I believe it’s the 220 VAC power option (which was driven by EU certification requirements).


Bullets that are certified have this. I don’t remember each country they are sold to, but it includes EU, Australia, Korea, Japan…

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I am having this error now. Where is the micro switch that turns on the small cooling fan? I have an early version of the roaster (#1234), but recently did the V2 upgrades with the IBTS. Are we talking about the little fan at the bottom under the pulley in the back?

Never mind. I took it all apart and put it back together, and now it’s working…

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Glad you got it working. There is no microswitch in your roaster, only certified V2 Bullets. If you have this issue, most likely a bad connection to the small PCB near the motor, or some other cable connection.

Well, that’s good news and bad news. Good that there is not a microswitch causing problems. Bad because SOMETHING was causing a problem. Do you have any suggestion as to how to troubleshoot the “bad connection to the small PCB near the motor, or some other cable connection”?

All I did tonight was wiggle something into place to not cause any more problems. But it was a bit of a hassle dealing with all of that when I did not plan for the time to do it…

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It really depends on the symptoms. Just keep the connectors firmly together, and make sure no wires / cable is being squeezed by the motor cover.

Hi, Jacob. I got the same problem with an error 6384. I checked the switch as you suggested (mine is CE cert) and while I am holding the switch error goes away and motor start to work. But once I release it - the same problem. It is not like I can switch it off or on. Does it mean I have to change the switch?

Most likely the switched is not pressed down enough when you attached the chaff collector (which of course must be mounted). I would take off the right cover so you get access to the drum motor, and then check that the switch is pressed when the chaff collector is mounted. If not you can adjust the bracket holding the switch.

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Thanks, Jacob. I checked the wires, seemed like they were all fine. I put everything back together and it works fine. So most likely I didn’t connect chaff collector properly. Thanks for looking into this.


I have this exact issue… fairly sure I have a certified one but not sure where to find this switch. Can anyone guide me or have a picture?

Hi @belper,

You’ll find the Microswitch after taking off the Chaff Collector. It should be located inside one of the holes on the Squirrel Cage.

Best regards,

I am having a similar problem.

The aillio gives me a Chaff warming as if it isn’t placed in properly and obviously if I try to go to roast (although it doesn’t preheat) it gives me the same error 6384)

My bullet is CE and I know where the switch is located. Once pressed the fan does work and when I fit the chaff collector it does get pressed and the fan is in operation but the bullet still gives me a Chaff message and doesn’t preheat.

I know the collector is fit properly and the switch is engaged but no luck.

I have removed the cover on the right back and checked the wiring and everything seems in order.

Any ideas as to what I could do next please?

So it turns out a screw from the metallic lever that holds the chaff collector got loose and fell in the Coil Fan2 so the issue was that is was blocked. Took the back apart, removed the screw and put it back in its place and all seems to work ok.

Just a day wasted…