I’ve moved from the Hottop roaster to the R1V2 (about a week in!). When roasting on the hottop, I’ve always charged using the bean temp probe temp. I see folks here charging around what equates to about 400F. Is that using the drum temp or bean probe? The last roast I did, I charged at around 175C or 350F. thanks for your help!
Just personal preference but I use IBTS for charge temp and generally start from 260C to 290C depending on bean, batch size and ambient temps (been really cold here for a while).
Thanks…this is the kind of information I’m looking for. Do you charge immediately after the IBTS reaches your desired temp or is there some wait time?
IBTS for me reaches charge temp about 5 min before is I get the prompt to charge roaster. I wait until control panel ask to charge roaster
I agree. Get much more consistent results if I wait until prompted to charge. This seems to give the roaster a chance to get the air temperature higher which seems to produce better results.
See the Recommended Preheat Temps and Power Settings section of the user manual for a bit more guidance.
I set PH to 300C, let it go to the charge prompt, then set PH to the temp I want (typically 240C for a 455g batch), and charge the roaster when the charge prompt sounds again. Can’t remember who in these forums suggested it but the idea is that it gets your roaster closer to its “second roast” state.