Checking green bean supplier reference

That is interesting. Sweet Marias always ships to me in plastic Zip Lock type bags. But Coffee Bean Corral always ships in cloth bags, which I immediatly switch to Ecotact or similar plastic bags.

I have gotten good beans from CBC, Sweet Marias, and Happy Mug. I have heard good things about Royal Coffee. I have also bought beans from Bodhi Leaf here in Southern CA. A little on the pricey side.

I have ordered the same green and roasted beans from Happy Mug so that I could compare what they are roasting to what I was getting from the Bullet.

I have also ordered 1/4 pound lots of roasted beans from Geroge Howell in Boston. Very pricey. (George Howell is considered by some to be the Godfather of specialty coffee. He has had a huge influence on Specialty coffee and has done much for the small coffee growers around the world)

  • Royal Crown Jewels - I have never had a bad one. And some of my all time faves are from Royal.
  • Sweet Marias - Rarely disappointed. But more than a few times the beans seem a little past their prime. Pay attention to the dates.
  • Coffee Bean Corral - Very happy with their selection of Caribbean and Indonesian (Bali) beans. The cloth bags are cute.

I’ve been using happy mug for a couple years now. I usually order around 180lbs at a time. Ships same or next day. Never had any issues or bad beans.

SM and coffee bean corral take “forever” to ship and arrive here on east coast. Never had any bad beans.

Happy mug locks the shipping rate after 90lbs so it can be substantially cheaper per pound.

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Thanks for all the feed back.

Yes George is considered by many to be the guy who started specialty coffee movement with his roasting and coffee chain (I think it was called Coffee Connection) in the 80s and 90s. After he sold his coffee chain I think he had an ironclad non-compete which is why he was publicly quite for many years until recently. I did find his prices quite pricey so I have not bought anything from him.

I think it was a temporary thing. My wife recalled reading that California had instituted some laws related to plastics and that businesses had quotas to meet. Dunno for sure but that seemed plausible. SM abandoned that and went back to prior packaging methods but by then I was hooked on Chiapas. That and Liquid Amber keeps disappearing from their offerings.

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Anyone use the Green Coffee Buying Club?

I did years ago. It was fine but rather involved for limited savings and limited choices. I just found it easier and more convenient to buy via retailers. The purchasing process may have evolved over the years but I’ve not felt the need to revisit them.

Thanks for input from everyone. Just ordered some from CBC and HM - one of which is same bean from both and HM had a better price.

Just ordered another 180lbs from happy mug. Shipped same day. $39 shipping.

I’ve had great coffee’s from CBC and happy mug. CBC durato Bombe is the only green I’ve ever found three stones in a bag, but the bean was great! Klatch and Mill city Roasters are two more I would add to the list.

I really have enjoyed the holiday blend from Mill City the last couple years.

This is kind of off topic, but Bodhi leaf does a very fun home roaster competition occasionally which is a really good reason to buy the coffee they offer for the competition. (There is also a discount code for people participating 20% IIRC).

Does Royal seem expensive or is it that good?

I believe that Royal is a top tier supplier.
I have ordered a few of their Crown Jewel, 22 pound boxes. They are not trying for the 1 -10 pound customer. Most of their coffee is sold in 300 pound bags.

There are other coffee suppliers that buy those 300 pound bags and re-package for smaller amounts.

I recently bought a 10 pound lot of a Royal Guji SWP Decaf for $8.52 per pound including shipping from one of the guys on Green Coffee Buying Club. A lot of the guys that sell on that forum will buy one or more of the 300 pound bags and then re-package in smaller lots.

If you go to Royal, for some of their Green beans they have roasting notes and guides for different roaster. (most are for bigger/commercial roasters) but they sometimes have Bullet rosting notes, (and they also have rosting notes)

Buying direct would have been more expensive than than buying through a sub-distributor.

I have been to their facility in Oakland CA. and it is very impressive.
They offer classes and have an impressive tasting lab.

They also offer coffee drinks for sale. All top notch. They even have coffee flights (like wine) that you can try. maybe a coffee brewed 3 different ways, or the same coffee as a Natural, washed, and Honey.

They are primarily catering to commercial roasters.

Thanks for the info :slight_smile: If I ever head back up north again I would for sure check them out. Yeah, I was looking at their site and noticed this one: Crown Jewel Ecuador Saraguro Juan Peña Anaerobic Washed CJ1515 – 30034 – SPOT RCWHSE for $330.64 for the 22 lbs. Which is just over $15 per pound. I know I am new to all of this, but it seems VERY expensive, unless its UNREAL good! Then I looked at the roasting graphs for the Bullet, and it seems they are roasting kind of light for me anyway… regardless I am learning, probably worth…???

oh, yeah, they’re wholesalers primarily.

I usually get the $150-200 22lb boxes, not the very top of their line.

That is expensive. I would want to buy 3 pounds and try try it before comitting to 22 pounds. I did a quick search and can’t find anyone that is selling that coffee other than Royal right now.

Anerobics are very different coffees and they don’t appeal to everyone. Poorly done and they can leave a funky flavor that most people find unpleasant.

I personally like anerobics and bought an experimental Crown Jewel from Columbia: Double Carbonic Chili Mossto Fermented Honey Bourbon.
What they have done is: after picking the cherries, they let them dry as a natural, and then they add those dried cherries to a Chili Must. (slurry) and let them re-hydrate some and the flavors of the chili soaks into the beans. then they re-dry and continue with the rest of the drying process. I am originally from New Mexico and am a bit of a Chili Head.
When ever I brew some of this for friends, they are suprised and didn’t think that they were going to like it. But, most do. It doesn’t have a lot of chili flavor and almost no chili heat, but it is very distinctive.
I have bought some other “infused” coffees from other producers in the same area. A Blackberry and a Peach. The Blackberry would have been worth $15.00 a pound. Everyone that has tried that one is blown away by it.

Like all things new and experimental, there is a lot of controversy. There are the purists that want their coffee processed in very traditional methods. And then there are people like me that are willing to try different things and if I like it, that’s good.

When people would ask me: What’s the best wine to buy? I would tell them: “the one that tastes good to you”
It’s a lot like roasting. Find the technique that works for you.

I’ve heard that some of the Baristas use Coffee from Jaun Penas farm in Ecuador for competition.

If you haven’t tried an anerobic before, there is one that might be worth trying from Captain’s Coffee. It is a Royal Coffee. Colombia Huila Terraza Anaerobic Pink Bourbon
The Price is around $8.75 per pound for three pounds. Anerobic and Pink bourbon. Sounds good.
I haven’t tried it. i just recently tried a pink bourbon and it was excellent.
The owner of Captain’s Coffee is very fond of Fruit forward coffees and creates some excellent blends.

Is Burman legit? I saw Jamaica Blue on Coffee Bean Corral for $40 per lb… Burman was like $28 for the same bean… JAMAICAN BLUE MOUNTAIN – CLYDESDALE ESTATE – GR. 1… Coffee Bean Corral exact same bean for $40.00. Are they both just sourcing from Royal Coffee?

@questavolta I have bought JBM from Burman for a friend who wanted me to roast it and he’s had JBM from other roasters, he said it’s as he knows JBM to be when I roast it for him. Burman has been around for quite a while as a family owned business. Most of the time when I get JBM from Burman it’s $33 to $36 /lb (depending on farm) sometimes they might run a sale. There are a lot of other specialty coffee importers (besides Royal) who only do wholesale so likely they may be sourcing from other importers or may have their own connections similar to SM having their own direct connections with sources. I personally don’t care of buy such expensive beans, for my palate it wasn’t worth it. For my friend he is willing to pay so he pays that cost plus my time to roast for him. :slight_smile: I have found CBC and Royal to be $1 to $2 /lb more expensive for the same beans (e.g. Bali, Yemen or Sumatra) I can find elsewhere like Happy Mug, Sweet Maria or Burman.

Happy Roasting

Bean Belt Coffees for Brazil is also a great spot to buy small batches. Cheers!

I’ve stopped buying through SM etc and instead have been buying direct from farmers to support direct trade. Juan down in Colombia is producing some truly spectacular washed, honey & natural processed Castillo’s under ‘The Coffee Five Project’ label. Highly recommend you reach out and add his coffees to your rotation…he’ll send any quantity you want.

[email protected]

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