Well, today would have been my 8th roasting session were it not for the A-01 code I was greeted with this morning. I’ve tried to do the fan recalibration, however, the process stopped at F1 and refused to go further (I’ve tried both using the A button and the fan +/- at the same time. Neither works). I’ve not done any heavy clean yet so nothing has been disassembled. The fan, impeller and belt were all moving freely (impeller is dirty - I roast dark).
Just in case, I tried adjusting the impeller, and gave it another try. Well, I’ve gone from bad to way worse I’m afraid (I assume because of the failed fan calibration). When I turned it back on after adjusting the impeller, there was a little startup noise, but the control panel never lit up and the unit shut itself down within ~10 seconds of startup. There was an odor afterwards that smelled suspiciously like burning electronics.
I’ve seen comments about software updates, but I’m unsure how to tell if I’m current or how to do anything other than the auto-updates. I think I’m past that now though.
Everything was working fine when I shut it down last weekend. I’m at a loss. Any suggestions?