Difficulty entering bean quantity -Kilo, pounds issue- bug

I live in the US. I order coffee by the pound. I have Roast World and RoasTime set for Kilograms & Grams.
When I try to add a new bean (or sometimes edit a bean) I get an error if I try to enter anything other than a full Kilo amount.
In the screen capture below, I was trying to enter the equivalent of 1/2 pound.

BUT occaisionally it will let me enter a decimal equivalent. It is an intermittant problem.

Let the bug hunt begin:

What happens if you enter 0.227 instead of .227?

The same thing. It won’t allow me to enter 1.7 kilos either. only whole numbers.

Sometimes I can enter the number I want. Most of the time, I can not.

Thanks for pointing this out, @billc!

I can recreate this if I press backspace multiple times to clear the input field. It seems like doing this puts the input field in a weird state and thus is causing the error.

I’ve added this to our issue tracker to get this fixed. I’ll update on here when it’s fixed.


Thank you Sir!