Drum Heating

R2 Pro has 14 steps for Drum Heating, is there a chart on temperature comparison for each step?

Idk, but I would be willing to chart out some comparisons with you on the R1 vs R2p

I had made a thread about trying out other people’s recipes, and then found out my machine was pretty different from theirs. So that thread went off course. But maybe I’ll do another one of those and then one to compare with the R2P

But yeah, I think you have a good idea there. It is a great way to also trouble shoot machine variance

Count me in, but I am still waiting for my Control Unit.
I will update once I am up and running

First time user on bullet, and not being able to roast is spent on researching this machine and how others are using it.

Ok, once I hear back from Aillio support (have been waiting since Dec 12th last year), I’ll be running new power tests. I’ll start a new thread for that and tag you.


How would you design this chart?