Edit Yellowing, Crack markers in realtime

Sometimes I miss my markers just by a little bit and wish I could edit them in real-time. Either as a right click edit timestamp or drag and drop.


Or at least have the option to automatically input yellowing and FC based on IBTS temperature.

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Also, being able to edit yellow or FC markers to IBTS temperature rather than time would be huge.

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We are implementing FC as a recipe action and it exists for Y already FYI. Also, we are actively thinking about a better UX for this based off feedback. So expect some changes in the near future.

Thank you!

That sounds promising.

When I roast manually, sometimes I miss marking yellow or FC, but to edit them, I have to choose a time. In order to do that I have to close out the edit box, and find the IBTS temp and then note the time, and then open the edit box again, and then choose a time with those counter boxes. It is annoying enough that I sometimes don’t fix the markers.