I just got a weird display on my R1 V2. It started displaying “F 1:03” (with the time counting up). Error log showed “Error 129” which I thought was a V1 error. The roast finished normally except for the display alternating with the usual display and “F xx:xx”. I pulled off the cover and cleaned the IBTS sensor glass with alcohol, it looked clean but the swap went a bit brown. I also cleaned the front plate with Simple Green, while I was doing that I found a bean lodged against the bean temp sensor (the non optical one). It doesn’t look like there’s any way for that to happen, but I guess if you have a lot of roasters roasting a lot of roasts each it will happen eventually. So maybe that was causing the sensor to over/under read, triggering the error 129…
Board V2.0 / Serial 3975 / Firmware 602
Info 29468: 265
Info 29467: 102
Info 29488: 500
Info 28674: 4
Info 28672: 57671
Info 28673: 40564
Error 129: 65531
Info 29460: 925
Info 29468: 265
Info 29467: 102
Info 29488: 500
Info 28674: 4
Info 28672: 57671
you’ve probably pressed the F1 button and are seeing the time since first crack. If you press the F1 button during the roast it will mark first crack and then start counting up. If you want to press any button to ensure the dead man switch isn’t activated just press the A button which is next to the bean temp display. You can press it at any time just before 180C and it will at least let the roaster know you’re present and a few minutes later the alarm will go off (unless you press the button again during that time). If you want to deliberately mark FC then press the F1 key. Hope this helps
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