Hello everyone,
I’m new here.
Today I noticed that I received an error message, as listed below
Board V2.0 / Serial 6644 / Firmware 596
Info 29696: 369
Error 18
But I did not find an explanation or the nature of the problem.
Someone has received a similar message or can please explain what its essence is.
Thanks in advance for your help.
It may have to do with the LED Control board (behind the control panel). I’m guessing you’ll need Support to help/explain that and what if anything to do. Did it get in the way of roasting?
Thank you very much for your answer. I honestly did not notice that there was any disturbance during the roasting. But I’m pretty new to this roster. I sent a query to the service, we’ll see what they answer.
These are OK to happen occasionally, but if you start experiencing problems please contact support.
Hello, Jacob
Thanks for the answer .
Yes, I contacted the service, they answered a lot of the same thing, that this is not a problem in this case.
Necroing this thread.
I’d never seen this error on my V1.5 roaster until I updated to RoasTime V4. On the 4 roasts I’ve done since then I’ve gotten this error on all of them.
It always happens when I’m dropping the beans so no harm, no foul but I am curious why I’m getting them now. It may be a coincidence but it’s an odd one.