Error Somewhere With Edit and Ambient Temperature

Aillio. When I do a roast, I enter the Ambient Temp and Ambient Humidity in the profile. I use Fahrenheit. This saves and displays ok. If I edit the profile in RW, the Ambient Temp shows up as if the Fahrenheit value I entered was Celsius and it gets converted to 149 instead of the 65 I entered. There is also a message that says the value should be entered in Fahrenheit. If I save this number and then edit again, the 149 gets converted again. The software must be flagging this value as Celsius instead of Fahrenheit and then keeps converting.

In R.W go to your Dashboard → click your icon → Settings → scroll down to PREFERENCES. Check that the R.W Settings are what you want (Fahrenheit, etc.).


Bruce. Thanks for the input. That was the first thing I did on both RW and RT4. The settings are Fahrenheit for temperature, kg for weight. I suppose I could toggle the setting the other way to see if something is sticky in there, but there is no granularity…temperature one way or the other.

Mmm… sounds like a bug any way you slice it.

What OS are you using?


Windows 10 for RW with Brave browser. Windows 11 for RT4.

Thanks for letting us know. I will get a ticket created and we will fix this ASAP.

Hey @here,

Thanks for reporting this issue. We’ve identified and fixed the issue at hand. You should be able to correctly set your ambient temperature without the incorrect conversion.


This bug still occurs with back-to-back roasting when copying the previous roast profile information into the latest roast.
