Extension Cord?

I’ve owned a Bullet for about a month and it’s been great. Where my roaster is located (in the US), I have a choice between connecting directly to a 15amp outlet that is shared with other outlets in the room or connect to an isolated 20amp GFI outlet using a 15 foot 12G 15amp extension cord. I’ve been using the cord but, not being an expert, I’m having second thoughts. Any guidance would ve appreciated. Thanks. Carl

I’d suggest a single cord of the required length rather than adding connections. The Bullet’s power board connector isn’t unique- used on many appliances and readily available.


ps- so… you had an RK Drum?! I had a very early one- first production run. Around #80-100 as I recall. Turned out a lot of good coffee, but unfortunately a fair amount of yuk! as well- I had one way I roasted: everything went to 2nd crack and I’d dump the beans when the smoke got bad! :slight_smile: Our life is much better with a Bullet.

Thanks again Bruce. My experience with the RK Drum is very similar. I’m not knocking it; the setup was incredibly reliable and it never needed cleaning (if you ignore the chaff all over the garage floor). I always did the same “profile” (first crack was about 9 minutes in the summer and 14 minutes in the winter and I added two and a half minutes to drum regardless). Once in a while it turned out great. But I’m a bit of a data person (retired actuary) and I really love the information and control the Bullet provides.

I would be careful using an extension cord for running the Bullet. Running 15 feet from the receptacle plus the regular cord will result in voltage drop and could cause harm to the circuit boards driving the induction unit. Feel the extension cord when the bullet is in use. If it is warm, try to find a minimum length extension cord that is 10 gauge rather than 12G. Or as Bruce suggested: Try to find a power cable with a minumum length.

If the votage changes when roasting, then the heat ooutput by the induction heating element could be inconsistent and your roasting times could be affected.

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Thanks. This is exactly the guidance I was looking for. Carl