Feedback on first Roast

Hi - Could anyone give me some feedback on first roast


Hey Guy! As most anyone will tell you, the best feedback you can get will be from yourself when you get to taste it. I’d try it every day and note how the taste changes over time.

But based purely on the curve, that looks a lot like curves that have yielded good results for me in the past — a pretty smooth declining RoR, increasing fan and decreasing power evenly along the way. And a good overall length of time, probably landing you in Full City territory. Hope you enjoy it!

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Thanks for the feedback - I didnt know if the line was a bit flat between YW and FC - but as you say, I will give it a taste :wink:

Thanks for the help! It didn’t taste so great on first taste but it is only 24hours. Not much of anything in there - a tiny bit of acidity, It left my whole mouth tasting dry after each slurp. As it cooled there was a bit more acidity and body and a tiny bit of citrus.

When i first ground it, it smelled a bit smoky, but when it sat before i broke the crust i could smell some acidic orange blossom.

Its how to map that to my curve. I also dont drink brewed, only espresso, so body to me is a whole different meaning!

Hi Guy -

Not much experience here, but one thing that I’ve observed is that raising the fan speed has a rapid and substantial cooling effect. That explains, or at least contributes to, your RoR drop around 8:00. Try increasing the fan only one level at a time for smoother control?


  • Brad
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Thanks Brad,
I have been reading around today, and looking at your roasts, you seem to have moved towards charging a bit higher, which was the advice I received - to go up from 230. It seems when you go up you have more space to manage the ROR on the way down?

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Beware that I’m roasting only 325g batches recently. There seems to be about a 20C increase in preheat required to achieve the same initial temperature behavior in a 450g batch. Also, I preheat for a fixed duration of only 15 minutes. Longer preheats are needed to get reproducible results with subsequent back-to-back roasts, but I never roast more than one batch per session so 15 minutes is adequate and consistent for me.

Hi Guy,

Sort of. Higher charge brings events early on along faster but by the time you get to FC, then the effect of the charge temp has probably been lost. What you are looking at then is Power and Fan. You’re right to watch out as the Bullet doesn’t carry the thermal mass that some other machines have so think like a speedboat vs oil tanker. But once you step on the brakes or dump the anchor, you’re going to see a potential dramatic effect which you may not be able to recover from - hence the comment to take any changes little by little and see how they work in your environment. Your roaster, your environment (ambient temp, voltage etc) may not be the same as others so their profile(s) may not directly apply. Honestly best thing to do is spend some beans playing with one or two setting at a time, review how the resulting coffee tastes and feedback loop accordingly. In general you probably want to be looking at Dry End around 4:30 and FC between 8-9:30 depending on batch size, bean origin and moisture. Again depending on the bean you may be looking at a drop time of 1:30-3:30 after FC. And call FC when you hear a few cracks in quick succession to avoid outliers and calling it early.

And as others have noted, don’t get too hung up on the telemetry. I did my first few roasts just working the roaster panel with no computer just to see which way was up. I mean it’s just beans.


Thanks for the feedback!