Filtered Power socket strip?

Hello guys i would like to ask if a HiFi/HighEnd filtered power strip have any utility in protecting the bullet circuitry?Is the filtering of high frequency usefull?

I am considering this

0207x00052301_0207x00052303_0207x00052305-data-sheet.pdf (427.6 KB)

EHMANN 0207x01053301 0207x00052301 Ciabatta elettrica con Protezione da sovratensione e Filtro di Rete, 5 Prese, Cavo da 1,5m, 230 V, Grigio EHMANN 0207x01053301 0207x00052301 Ciabatta elettrica con Protezione da sovratensione e Filtro di Rete, 5 Prese, Cavo da 1,5m, 230 V, Grigio : Elettronica


This is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. I use one, but it only has surge protection. I also use one of those for my HiFi and other appliances. You just want to protect your machine from potential damage, and surge protection is enough for that. As for HiFi, it becomes comical after a certain point, just like coffee. You just need a lot of people that are convinced they can hear (taste) the difference between 50€ and 5000€. A speaker cable with silver wiring guaranteed to drop a werewolf in an instant, and it sounds great too because the connectors are plated with 24k Fort Knox gold. Just 15000€ for a pair of 1m cables, So, what I’m saying is it should be enough to spend around 30-35€. I have something close to 250 roasts on my Bullet, but never had any issues with power during roasting. None of my appliances suffered any damage when there were surges and sudden power failures with subsequent couple of tries and fails to restore it before you manage to unplug everything.

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Yea maybe you are right there is no need in expensive filtering,i already have a dedicated line for the R2 and as you said a well build socket with a protector is enough.

My thinking was that maybe some filtering help the R2 induction board work better and for longer.
And maybe there is already some filtering in the induction board so…

Thank you for your answer man really appreciate!

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