Whelp, my first actual roast was a failure, hopefully it’s still drinkable and maybe even still better than what I have roasted on my Gene Cafe. I roasted Sweet Marias Espresso Monkey Blend here using the recipe from the Allio Bullet manual “Beginner Roast”. I am thinking my problem was my ambient temp, I roasted in my garage and its below freezing. Anything you would change in the recipe to combat this or is moving inside my only option? I dont have ventilation setup yet, so ill be roasting in my garage for a little while and would like to hopefully up my game still.
I’ve found that the bullet’s fan generally has a cooling effect. This could be even more pronounced in cold ambient temperatures. Looks like F4 quenched your roast . Try using less fan, maybe start with F1 or F2 and increase to F2 or F3 if chaff starts to build up? Hope this helps.
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I think the fan is definitely one issue, another one I’d suggest is to not reduce power until after yellowing, you probably lost a lot of momentum combined with the fan. Roasting in my garage as well, and it’s been somewhere around ~20 F lately, so I can feel your pain.
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Thanks! I will give it a try on my next roast.
Ok good tips, hopefully I can avoid a negative ROR next time. Yeah it has been super cold the past few weeks. ready for warmer weather.