Getting arc 256 in middle of the roasting

When I was Roasting the display turn off and after cleaning is working again, but when Im roasting an arc 256 shows up and the display start doing crazing numbers

Help :_(

When you say you cleaned, do you mean you cleaned the IBTS sensor? That’s what I would do if I were you.

I. clean everything. but now the screen is black. and do 10 beeps

Hmm, at this point, instead of posting here, I would contact Aillio’s support team immediately. The issues may be:

1. Overheating: The roaster might shut down as a safety precaution if it gets too hot. Check the environment and ensure there’s adequate ventilation. Is the fan working? Sometimes, if you don’t attach the chaff collector properly, the fan will not engage and the roaster might end up overheating.
2. Power Supply Issue: Fluctuations or inadequate power supply can cause the Bullet to behave this way.
3. Firmware or Software Error: A glitch in the firmware could result in the roaster shutting down unexpectedly.
4. Hardware Malfunction: Internal components may be experiencing issues.

Error 256 is signaling a low input voltage. The manual says…

ErC 0256

Input voltage was too low
Make sure your cable to the R1 is as short as possible and is rated for 10A for the 220V version and 15A for the 110V version.

Concentrate on that.