Help and advise in roasting Columbia Guayacanes Geisha

Seeking help and advice as I feel incompetent in roasting this Geisha. Base on my snapshot below, i don’t feel I am doing a good job in roasting this Geisha because it doesn’t give off any nice smells or taste. Feels just flat or nothing special as to be expected of a Geisha. Am I doing something wrong?

Hi, i appreciate the feedback and will aim for a longer roast time of between 9-11 mins. Here goes nothing

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I agree with all the comments here. I am attaching a roast from a Guatemala Gesha. I aim for a final IBTS temperature of 210 Celsius.

thanks for this. i do admit its a habit that i use when i panicked and want to bring down the temperature quickly. Its quite tricky using this electric roaster

thanks for the share, how did it turn out for you?