As the title says, what is the best way to allow for more development between FC and SC? It seems like I’m maintaining a good ROR, but, I’m also ending first crack and jumping directly into second.
I will give you an example of what I do. Take it with a grain of salt or as others say: YMMV.
Try to gradually reducing the power so that you have more of a decreasing ROR
Here is a screen grab of an Ethiopian that I roasted in August. It is a light roast.
Note how I am gradually decreasing the power At the end, I have more time to pick my drop temp.
Below is a link to a recent Ethiopian Durato Bombe, which is a fruit bomb which I roasted to a medium dark roast. I dropped when the Bean temp was 425F
It has more chocolate flavors but still lots of berry and a touch of spice. I made a double long shot of espresso with it and put it in a thermos and sipped on it while I was driving for six hours. Every time I would take a sip, it made me smile.
Here is a link to the roast:
I used a recipe for this roast:
These are things that work for me. I am still experimenting and roast a lot of coffee. My neighbors love my “not up to par” roasts.
.the altitude between 2000-2200 with around 11% moisture
From your profile, you are more into Dark Roast, is that what really do you are really targeting!? Heavy body, high bitterness, low acidity and barely noticeable fruity notes!?
I am not questioning your taste, just confirming what do you really want to get in your cup in order to advise you properly.
The only thing I may think of is the beans are entertaining the development phase with low momentum, the beans takes longer time to finish the first crack. I suggest you boost the power to accelerate the first crack.
I have a different view after looking at the profile. I roast 1kg regularly and I feel the profile is actually “fast” for 1kg compared to mine. It takes me average between 13 and 15 mins to roast 1kg and I start with slightly lower PH temp. The PH temp in the OP’s profile is already practically at the max for the Bullet. I tend to roast medium-dark, dropping around 425-435F IBTS. I mean YP at under 4 mins for 1kg to me is “fast” which seems to imply there is plenty of momentum. Also, an approx 1 min between FCE and SC seems reasonable… Just my 2 cents.
I came from a SR800, so my times were 8:30 for FC then at about 2 min into FC I’d push it to second crack with about a 1:30ish between. SC would put me about 1230-1310ish. At that point, I’d wait for a rolling SC and Immediately drop.
Another follow FreshRoast roaster I jumped from the SR500 with extension tube to the Bullet 2 yrs ago - I had to forget everything I did on the SR because a fluid air roaster is just different roasting than a drum roaster. Take a look at this one I just did yesterday (which incidentally was a “dark” according to RoastVision):
My PH is consistently at 572F. I tried higher earlier on and it was too much for me (got some scorched beans to boot). I did two others at 1kg yesterday, similar roasting plan. I let it “heat soak” roughly the first minute before I bump up the P and then do a slow step down similar to BillC.
There’s no one way of doing this, but this is how I am able to have some control of my roast so it doesn’t runaway on me. I found if I want to go darker I can tinker on the earlier parts to stretch it out a little bit so I have momentum going into SC if I wanted it (rarely do).
Ref to the profile you shared earlier, you got your first crack at 8:00, if you charged to a higher temp, you will shorten the overall roasting phases. If you want to delay the FC to 8:30, you should reduce the power after the yellow point, increase the fan speed or charge the beans on a lower temp.