How is the Bullet supposed to work?

Hi all!

Please don’t be so serious, it is all a learning process and some of us may have bad versions, no all products are perfect, but I am trying to discern what the heck is wrong with my machine, that I cannot get anything resembling all the great roasts other seem to be getting. So, take a relaxed approach to reading this and know we’re all here to get to the other side and learn.

Many of you have good roasts, and I have tried a number of profiles and made my own, but overall, roasts come out bland, and unbalanced.

My question, is how do we know if our machine has some issue? Is there detailed depictions and instructions on the workings we should check? Where are loose tolerances allowed? When does a part become an issue?

I’ve also noticed if I have the constant decline in RoR it is worse than allowing a slight flick at the end. Why would that be a thing? Almost every roaster here seems to avoid the flick, and then when I avoid the flick, I get raw or bland flavors depending on the development time.

Aillio support was not able to detect and issue electronically, but is there a hardware failure that few people seem to get?

I don’t live in a city, so I can’t try another machine to confirm whether it is the machine or not, but I do notice how different the standard roast profiles are from my own. Which makes me believe there is an issue with my machine.

Could it be an airflow issue? I don’t feel much or any airflow when I put my hand near or in the intake zones. I don’t detect any suction or movement of air. Although I can sort of imagine it, I don’t actually definitely notice air moving into the intakes.

Over the two years of owning, I have noticed that regardless of the bean or heat application or fan, my roasts tend to fall abruptly after FC. Not an extreme fall, but nothing that resembles the coffee mind sort of constant decay curves.

Does this imply an issue with my machine, or an airflow issue?

I’ve never gotten sweet, rich, or silky textures notes from any of my roasts regardless of heat application, fan, or development time, or RoR.

Alternative dialogue, are you happy with your roasts? Are you getting muted, paper like, baked, or grassy, or vegetal flavors?

I’d like to do a complete overhaul and go over my machine with a fine tooth comb, but I don’t entirely know what things are supposed to be tight tolerances and what parts of the machine are working or supposed to be working etc. and I don’t know how or if the induction could go wrong.

Just wondering if there is any detailed information about these machines so I know if these flavors are just what the Bullet does, or if I can fix this machine and get it to behave more like what I see in the Coffeemind examples.

Thanks for reading and thank you for your comments in advance.