How long does Firmware update take


I just got my Aillio Bullet.

I have RoastTime 3.4.0
plugged in to my Bullet and select Firmware update to latest stable version.

The progress bar is stuck at 0% for a while now (20 minutes) how long does these firmware updates usually take ?

Can I unplug and retry upgrade or what are the steps after this ?


Should take a max of 5 min or so. Something likely happened. Your roaster may already be in bootloader (if it beeped multiple times). You can definitely retry it. If you canā€™t seem to get it working, our latest beta version has a lot of added fixes for firmware updating you can get on our slack: Slack

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Hi, Iā€™m a BRAND NEW owner of a well-loved R1 V1.5 bullet and am encountering the same issues @iantsai86hopo mentioned above. The previous owner tells me he hasnā€™t used this machine in about a year, so perhaps it just has a lot of updates to perform? The progress bar has been stuck at 1% since I started 20 or so mins agoā€¦ Any tips or guidance would be most appreciated!

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I had the same issue with the 1.5. Download the old version of the software (2.5 or something) and update from that. Worked like a champ for me. Google for link to software.


@javascout try this link that was posted on another similar thread. Legacy RoasTime - aillio

Adding to this experience while recently trying to update to firmware beta 606. Similarly, I had no progress after about 15 mins. I was in pre-heat mode and couldnā€™t get the machine to advance or do anything. Meantime I searched the found this post.
ā€œYou can definitely retry itā€ was the response to ā€˜Can I unplug and retryā€¦?ā€™
So I unplugged the roaster and repluged, was stuck with a blank display on the roaster and the fan is running. Another unplug/replugā€¦ Same
I tried opening roast time to reupdate the firmware but then roasttime froze. So 10 mins later again I unplugged waited 5 mins and replugged. After that i was eventually able to get the bullet to display and i updated to 605 stable

Are you using RT4?

yes 4.3.2ā€¦ i was. switched back to 3.4 because of too many problems

Can you send us your logs? You can export them from RT4 Settings->Software section.

Sorry I canā€™t get to that section in RT4 since I switched back to 3.4.
Is there a location on my mac that they might still be saved?

Yes, I think this should still be on your computer. You can find it at this location: ~/Library/Application Support/RoastTime/logs, Iā€™d recommend zipping and sharing the whole folder with us if possible. You can send it to [email protected] and I can look at it. Or if youā€™re on Slack, send it as a DM to Matthew or Me.

Thanks for helping with this as we have not seen many issues like this recently.
