How To: Self Debugging USB Issues

Hello all,

While we are working on our official docs (it really is being worked on!), I just wanted to write a quick “how to” guide for dealing with USB issues that are somewhat common.

Step 1: Determine if the problem is hardware or software

The first thing we need to do is figure out if you have a hardware or software issue. Every OS has tools available to see if the roaster is seen by your OS. Here are common ones I use:

Windows: The roaster should show in Device Manager as “Aillio LTD Bullet R1 Roaster FS”.

MacOS: Open Terminal and run ioreg -p IOUSB -l -w 0 to list devices. You should see the Bullet

Linux: lsusb from Terminal should show you the Bullet in the list.

If the roaster is plugged in and you do not see it - you have a hardware issue. Try a new cable and if the issue persists, open a ticket at [email protected] and mention the steps you took.

Step 2: Confirm you have the correct drivers

:warning: Skip this step if you are not on Windows :warning:

We use libusb drivers for MacOS and Linux and they come packaged with the application. You should not need intervention for these operating systems. On Windows, we use WinUSB drivers. These must be installed once. If the automated tool is not working, please follow these steps:

  1. First power up your Bullet
  2. When it is ready connect it to your laptop/PC using the supplied USB-cable
  3. Download Zadig from here: 12
  4. Run the downloaded file (zadig-2.7.exe)
  5. Choose “Options” and make sure “List All Devices” has been checked
  6. Choose the “Aillio LTD….” Interface. If there is more than one interface choose the one that ends with “1”
  7. Click ”Install”
  8. When the installation has been completed then restart RoasTime 4

Step 3: Restart everything

If you have made it here, you definitely have a software issue. Sometimes we have seen the roaster remaining unreleased after a crash or some other issue arising which results in us being unable to claim the roaster again.

This situation should be able to be resolved by:

  1. Unplugging the roaster
  2. Unplugging the USB
  3. Closing RoasTime
  4. Plugging everything back in
  5. Starting up RoasTime

Step 4: Submit a ticket

Submit a ticket to [email protected]. This will be redirected to our software team and either I will help you debug via logs or jump on a call with you to debug personally.


I’m not seeing a deps folder. I followed the steps but once I get to the RoasTime folder in the Library, I don’t see deps. Is it possibly called something else?

A quick addition - RoasTime does not support ARM (like Hummingbird) processors.

I understand an update is in the works.

So I updated my Bullet on Dec 6th and when Roastime opened, it showed that my Bullet was not connected. I followed these steps but, that didn’t work. After reading more about it I found a how to which said to delete the dependencies directory (can’t find it again now), and after I did that and opened Roastime, it would not open. Something about a “backend” issue. Then today I found an update for Roastime after the Tech said he rushed the original update. I run on Windows 11, anyway, after I loaded the update and tried to open Roastime, I got the same error stating a “backend” error. Finally, I went to the Roastime directory and saw a lower case roast-time directory just below the Roastime directory that housed the Dependencies directory. I change the name of the Roastime directory to RTBK and changed the name of the roast-time directory to Roastime and open the Roastime application and it asked me if I wanted to create dependencies, Yes or No, so I selected yes and walla the application opened and I was once again connected. The app then sync’d with my info and there was all my roasts and recipes. Just in case you’ve tried everything and it still fails, you can try what I have done.