IBTS RoR / temperature NOSE DIVE

Hello my friends,

Has anyone ever seen their IBTS RoR just nose dive right off the page after FC ? Fortunately this was my very last roast of the day and it sorted of felt like landing a plane without landing gear but I managed.

Is this just a glitch or did my IBTS just die ? I had to install RT 3 because the latest update of RT 4 resulted in my laptop not being able to communicate with the Bullet via USB (it’s been that kind of day).

Cheers everyone,


I suspect (but don’t know!) the IBTS isn’t dead since it was still indicating temps. More likely something is blocking the view port that allows the IR sensor to see the roasting beans in the drum. Chaff is a possible culprit.


Edit- along the same line, there’s a chance the fan behind the control panel circuit board has a fan blade stopped from contact with the rubber mount. That fan moves air thru the view port to keep out chaff during a roast. This used to be a frequent issue but hasn’t been mentioned in awhile. But that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Something else you can check.


Hey Bruce,

You we’re absolutely correct, likely chaff or debris…after a cleaning the IBTS resumed functioning as expected. Thank you so much!


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