Impeller motor shaft

Hi, i noticed that there is some play with my impeller motor shaft. i also have the impeller fan making a lot of noise when cooling down and some during preheat. I just noticed the motor shat is has some play left to right just a small amount but i think enough to cause the fan to wobble and make noise. has anyone encountered the same.

If your fan is balanced and not bent, I think it should not wobble. My fan doesn’t (and I also see about 1mm of play, I think it’s normal).

The loud noise might mean the fan is mounted too close to the wall and scraping. It should have a little space, because of the shaft tolerance and how things expand when hot.

how I do it: Impeller cleaning problem - #2 by damon

Hi, I removed the shroud cover over the impeller motors to see why the motor shaft had play in it. It turns out the three set screws holding the shaft were all loose. Once I tighten screws

up the problem was fixed.


Interesting. I wonder if mine have been loose for 5 years.