Intermittent A-01 Error

Recently, I have been getting intermittent A-01 error codes with no discernible frequency or cause. Usually, if I cycle through the settings and allow Cooldown mode to run for a little bit before cycling back to PH it goes away. Before I am interrupted mid-roast is this the sign of a dying exhaust fan that needs to be replaced?


Could you share the roast profiles with us? There are a few possible causes so we’d like to check out the roasts to be sure. You can contact us at [email protected] as well.

Best regards,

Thanks for the reply Kevin – I was out of town for work and just now circling back around to this. The error doesn’t occur during the roast, the times it happened were after cool down while the machine is preheating and during the initial preheat prior to any roasts.


We can also find out the errors in Preheating Mode with our debug logs. Let’s try recalibrating the Bullet:

If the issue persists, please try rolling back to Firmware 605 (assuming you are currently at 610).

Best regards,