Is Roast Time available for Ipad?

Is Roast Time available for Ipad?

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Hey @juanmanuelrodriguezc,

Unfortunately, it is currently not available for iPad.


Thanks for your feedback!

An iPad seems like a match made in heaven for the Bullet.


Touch screen

Battery option

Perfect screen size for closer use and ergonomic positioning for better posture

Small footprint

Option to use cellular data (for those roasting in rural areas around the world)

It would further define and set apart the Bullet.

Hopefully APPLE will merge their M1 iOS and MacOS platforms into one sooner than later.

(iā€™m in no way saying that there is a best setup, or that there is an only one way. Obviously, a bluetooth keyboard and a 32inch screen can mac for a wonderful setup too. Being able to sit further from a screen is a big deal. Having multiple windows open to reference and input data, it is awesome. iā€™m just saying i see how the iPad could be unique and interesting option that iā€™d be interested in as well, if i had ā€˜t already invested in a different system for my needs. I just want to support progress, as there is so much potential in what aillio is doing)


Hi everyone,

Currently there are no plans to release a version of RT for the iPad. We unfortunately also cannot provide any expected timeline for this.

We do plan to release a public roadmap soon that you will be able to see the next big features we are working on.



At least for me, i have not planned on the iPad, so i am ok, but i appreciate your reply and look forward to the road map.

RT is an Electron app, right? Should it be able to run on Android tablets?

Hmm, Iā€™m afraid this isnā€™t the case. According to Electronā€™s official docs, they only support windows, linux, and Macs.


Any updated info in regards to this? As now the Apple M processor is in some iPads, and software is beginning to become cross compatible between the platforms (although different OS? ).

I was thinking the other day, how it would be nice to grab an iPad and go look at past roasts while sitting on the warm couch, rather than a cold shed, haha.

I understand you have the cloud feature, but then Iā€™d need good internet, and a computer and an iPad etc. Iā€™m just thinking of having just one device. I get it, it is programming and time and labor and all that. Iā€™m not demanding, just expressing interest. Iā€™m fine with what I have, just that I know a ton of people might like an iPad over computer or laptop.

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I wouldnā€™t hold my breath.

Roastime uses Electron to package a web application in a desktop application wrapper, using the embedded Chromium browser to run the application code and render the UI.

Even if you could package all of that as an iOS app, you almost certainly could not get it through the store submission process.

It might be possible to run a large part of the existing app in an iOS web view that communicates with the roaster through a lightweight Swift shim, but that represents an awful lot of additional development, QA and maintenance effort.

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yeah understandā€¦ it would be cool however. I played with my friendā€™s IKAWA roaster, and thought it was kind of cool. As far as the app went anyway, LOL!!!

oh I agree, tablet app + bluetooth connectivity would be wonderful if it could be rock-solid reliable

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If the Aillio team is a a small as I think they are, Iā€™d be willing to give up on the app, in favor of hardware improvements, and parts availability in the USA.

However, with the user interfaces on most professional machines, the ā€œtouch padā€ interface seems like the most ideal. And then for us home ā€œpowerā€ users, the iPad detaches and travels to the breakfast table nicely for sipping and reviewing.

In terms of more practical improvements before they make an app for that, there is a long running thread somewhere with more suggestions than can fill a book.

does your power cable get a little softer and warmer near where it connects to the roaster? I noticed that the other day. I was clearing all heat sources away, and thatā€™s when I noticed that cable was a little warmer. Not hot, but warm enough that the rubber was marginally softer. No heat sources would cause it, but the it could just be heat traveling from the roasters via the metal wires, or could be some form of electrical resistance

If I remember, Iā€™ll check that on my next roast. Iā€™ve changed to using a 12ga cord, this bad boy to be precise:

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That looks solid! Iā€™ll likely get one of those.

A few weeks ago, my roasts got so bad, that I couldnā€™t even get by with dark roasting anymore. So, Iā€™ve been testing everything and finding what works and what doesnā€™t. Thatā€™s when I noticed the warm cable. Scary!

did the firmware update last night, and unplugged the power cable from the base of the machine (something I rarely do) and it gave that little electrical ā€˜pop!ā€™ sound, like static or arcā€™ing very briefly. Never a nice sound to hear, though seems common enough with that style osha power cable.

But a little more copper and a little more slack seems like the way to go. Great find! Iā€™ll be adding one for sure

come on, make this happen!!!