Last day to buy a Bullet R1 raffle ticket!

Grounds for Health x Royal Coffee x Aillio (Last chance to win a Bullet R1!)

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In case you missed it in our newsletters and social media, Aillio has partnered with Royal Coffee to raise money in support of Grounds for Health this month. Since 1996, Grounds for Health has worked in Latin America and Africa to address one of the most significant disparities in women’s health globally. Cervical cancer is a nearly 100% treatable disease, and yet in the next 15 years it could kill almost 4.5 million women – 85% of whom will live in developing countries.

Grounds for Health focuses on helping under-served communities that represent the base of global supply chains for coffee, tea, cut flowers and cocoa.

Every ten dollar donation to Grounds for Health with be matched by Royal Coffee – up to US$25,000! – and includes a ticket to win an Aillio Bullet R1 V2 in a raffle to be hosted at the SCA Coffee Championship Preliminaries on October 1st in Oakland, California. To support the cause and secure your ticket(s), simply head over to Royal Coffee x Aillio Bullet | Sep 30 !

If you’re a denizen of the Instagram world, please also consider sharing your donation on social media with the hashtags: #royalxaillio and #bethereason

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