Mexico's Champion! Uriel Oropeza with a light Roast Recipe for Espresso

Uriel Oropeza won Mexico’s roasting championship in 2021 and competed in the 2023 World Roasting Championships in Taiwan. Before the competition began, he stopped by our office for an interview and later, back home in Mexico City, developed a curve he thought our users may enjoy.

In his words:

“This curve is designed for a washed coffee from the state of Chiapas, a Bourbon variety from Mexico.

It starts at a preheat temperature of 270C, with an initial power of 4 and an airflow of 2. This temperature is ideal for 650g because, from my experience, a higher initial temperature, if the bean structure can handle it without causing any defects such as scorching, tends to result in a greater aroma intensity in the coffee.

The purpose of extending the drying stage is to eliminate more moisture so that during the crack, the caramelization reaction is more robust. For this reason, heat is dissipated with the help of gradual increases in airflow. This achieves an intense aroma, high sweetness, and a medium-bodied, syrupy texture in the coffee.

It’s an ideal curve for our customers who prefer espresso or home consumers who enjoy coffee prepared in an electric coffee maker because the curve is suitable for promoting greater solubility of the coffee’s chemical compounds, providing balance, intensity, and body."

This is a tricky one to land, so make sure to read all the Roast Recipe notes before you run it! Check it out here.


Nice writeup and am anxious to try. One of the disclaimers centers around ambient temp and humidity affection final roast outcome but none of that data was included in the roast profile. Any way to update that? Thanks!

@kafei Is there anyway that the reference roast’s graph in this write up and the by Andrew Coe be images we can zoom in and/or download? I would like to see the graph in order to understand the recipe - that’s they me…I need that visual :slight_smile:

Light roast is hard for me to nail down so this would be interesting to try.

Thanks in advance.

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When you click on “Download Uriel’s Roast Recipe”, on the page where the recipe is, in the top left corner, click on @outreach. It’s the roast in the middle, or 2nd of 3. The one by Coe is clearly marked.

Really interested in your opinion if you try this one out.

You da man!

Hey Krawford, we include the caveats because there are so many different factors that can influence the shape of a curve, we believe it’s more helpful to use the Roast Recipe as a reference to study the intention behind the curve rather than to try to match it precisely. (As opposed to when you are using a Roast Recipe to repeat roasts on your own roaster using the same bean and in the same environment, in which case you can expect it to track very closely.)

I will see if Uriel can fill in some blanks for you next week – and in the future we’ll be sure to ask for some more detail about the roasting conditions in their personal space. Thanks.

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I will ask @derrxb next week to see how we can improve this. For now you should still be able to right click on the image and either save it as a file or view the image in a tab, however.

FYI that was a profile we did in a (pretty cold and humid) office testing out the Roast Recipe – not the original one you see in the link. I’ll see if we can re-attach the reference profile to the recipe Monday, there was a bug that prevented me from using it that @derrxb has since fixed. Thanks!

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Great to hear. It’s much better having it there than just on some image where you can’t do much as when it’s available on Roast.World. Well, for now, at least there’s the Coe one that is the original

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Going to agree with the others here, seeing the actual roast profile record is helpful.

You all, and some of the pros you get to share, all have something we do not: you talk to other professionals about roasting. Most of us have a solitary experience and do not have a verbal or linguistic relationship with roasting, and spend more time analyzing graphs.

While there is the danger of people trying to trace the graph, those people are probably hopeless anyway. The offshoot benefit is that many of us take into consideration many external factors when looking at graphs. Because we might roast through the year in different places and actually need to be aware of these things.

Having the intention and roasting theory behind the roast is obviously the most valuable part of these things, but having the live data profile gives valuable context that we are all much more familiar with in terms of tangible information.

Again, we live and breathe these graphs, so to exclude them is to ignore the fact that is solo roasters do not have any other means of understanding things. We don’t have a crew of people to talk with. We don’t often go to events etc. our whole thinking about roasting is shaped by these graphs.

It’s like speaking a different language trying to make sense of a recipe. So having the story, intention, recipe, and graph would be exponentially more clear to us what is happening.

Thanks for recognizing this and looking into adding them in the future!

Also, question, is there a way we can pull all of their roasts and look at how their roasting style trends through the year? Would be nice to be able to go to any user’s profile and just pull up all of their roasts and look for trends. Is that a feature?

@blacklabs You can now click the profile to view the full-sized photo out of the frame. And the Roast Recipe has been reattached to the reference profile. I think we’ll be able to do something more dynamic in the future, but will take a little finessing. :slight_smile:


That’s great!

Any way we can see roast trends from a user overtime? like an overlay of their roast curves throughout a selected time period? Would be cool to see how they bias their roasts and how that changes overtime etc.

Hey @kafei Thanks! That is useful to be able to see the full image.

There isn’t currently a follow feature, but one day… :slight_smile:

What about seeing like the last 100 roasts graphs someone did of a batches size range?

Would be interesting to see changes in someone’s approach over time

I think this wouldn’t be that useful, unless you could also sort by the input coffee. Otherwise there will be too much variance from bean to bean to have any meaning, it would just be really noisy.

Did we note the room temperature and humidity for this recipe someplace?

Yes, it would be, but it would save time compared to 1:1 searches.

General trends and attempts, etc.

Also, if I were looking at my own, I can see how my own roasts evolve too, but there is no “see all roasts” that I have found yet.

Best to see it as an addition, not the only way. There are thousands of roasters, and just opening a few of their roasts, was it their regular profile and weight? Who knows, not I have to search through their roasts 1 by 1 to find out what their typical profile might be, which would indicate higher rate of “successful” roasts for their intentions.

Noise is fine. Search 1 by 1 is fine. Both is better.

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