My beans: Process is limited to only Washed, Natural and Honey

Would be nice to update and have the option in the My Bean creation to have more processes than Washed, Natural and Honey


Hey @grrr,

What additional processes would you like to add? Can you provide 3rd party resources that also discuss these processes?


Here is a first link above

And here are some that I am thinking about:

  • Anaerobic
  • Carbonic Maceration
  • Giling Basah/Semi-washed/Wet-hulled
  • Experimental

Thank you. I’ll add this to our backlog and bring it up with our team as they have more roasting experience than I do.


One more article :blush:

I think I asked for “wet-hulled” (Giling Basah) to be added a while ago… I guess it fell thru the cracks. :wink: Wet-hulled is common in Sumatra.

Hey @blacklabs,

I think we did add wet-hulled. However, we limited the option to only beans from Indonesia.


Hey @derrxb … ah ok.

So my wet-hulled from Brazil can’t have it?
Why the limitation?

Hey @grrr,

If I remember correctly, the limitation was added since this process is mostly used in Indonesia. We’re happy to add it for more countries if there are other countries where this process is also used. Feel free to also share links to those bean’s pages so that we can verify and add this process for those countries.


Wet-hulled also known as semi-washed is a process that is now also applied in Ethiopia and Brazil and will probably go to other countries too. Processes are shared and have no borders.

Here are 3 examples found at one of the major European coffee trader

@derrxb I’m just curious, why is it necessary to put in that limitation rule? Seems to me that it’s more work for you guys to keep adding to a “list” somewhere. I’m not sure the value being added for this case. Just my 2 cents.


I tend to agree. The potential value add is that you prevent someone from mistakenly mislabeling the beans. But someone could just as easily put the wrong country if they don’t know their stuff. So assuming they know what beans they are roasting and where they are from (if you spend $3-$4k on a roaster you should probably know what you’re roasting), I think it may be less headache for developers in the long run to open up wet hulled (or any other process) to any origin.

Not to mention, it kind of makes Aillio look outdated if their UI doesn’t include drop-down options for the latest trends. Or does Aillio pretend to know every possible process for each individual country and which processes physically can’t be done in said regions?
Just playing devil’s advocate here :wink: no offense. Limiting or controlling user inputs needs to have a clear benefit, otherwise you’re just handcuffing just to handcuff? Maybe I’m just missing the benefit.

(Full disclosure: I haven’t even roasted non “washed” beans so I don’t even have skin in this game… just adding to convo)

I like this suggestion…I was just gifted a pound of a carbonic maceration green and a pound of an anaerobic, both from Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders.

I don’t know if this is a fad or will become an established processing method. I haven’t roasted these yet, so withholding my vote.

We are listening to your suggestions and will discuss how we solve this in a good way.
Personally I think that just adding more processes to the list will be a never ending story, and it will just make it more confusing. We roast a bean fermented with strawberries and another one with lychees. Next year the farmer will come up with something new :slight_smile:
Perhaps a way to tag beans or processes with additional searchable text is a way.


We need a taxonomy! :rofl:


@blacklabs ya gonna volunteer to create and maintain that, right :wink:

tags the way Stack Overflow does them (where you get completions as you enter them so there’s less diffusion of same-but-different tags) gets my vote

Nice try @john_l :laughing:

Why should it be a list? And why not just an open field where we freely decided based on what is in our roaster, without a pre-defined list.

It’s the same issue with varietals btw if I remember correctly :thinking: