Can anyone help me with recipes ideas to roast Brazil Naturals and possibly achieve the lowest acidity possible?
Low and slow is likely the approach you would want to take for a Brazil natural with low acidity. Lower preheat temperature than for washed/high density beans. Drawn out Maillard/development phase to lower acidity. For specific roasts you can use the Roast.World discover option.
PH250c and ending at 205c in 12 minutes makes sense?
You’ll have to experiment to find what you’re looking for by roasting and tasting. I never do 900g roasts so don’t have a good profile to recommend. Brazilian coffees are generally regarded as having fairly low acidity so 12 minutes may be a good total roast time to aim for. However, I don’t recommend ending a roast simply because a specific time has been reached. It’s best to make sure you’re happy with how long the coffee has been roasting after first crack before dropping the roast.