Not all roasts are saved in Roast Time but all of them on Roast.World profile

I have roasted 3 times today but only one roast is recorded in Roast Time while all three profiles are saved in my Roast.World profile. Anyone else experienced the same? I have Roast Rime 2.05 for Mac installed.

Our designer just brought this up to me this morning to. Seems to only be for some users, so will connect with him and get it sorted ASAP.

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I roasted 4 times a Couple days ago and only 3 roasts were recorded in both Roast Time and Roast World.

Did you by chance use any filters on the dashboard? If they were not cleared, that could be a reason they aren’t showing on Roast Time. If you restart the app, do they show up?

That is odd! It took you to the post roast screen after roasting, but didn’t save? You definitely saved the profile instead of discarding it?

I definitely saved the roast and I did not even roast back-to-back.

Sorry, that message was meant for BlackStripeCoffee. The first one for you. Thanks!

I thought about the filters but that is not the problem.
Is it possible to sync with Roast Time?

Yeah, I probably did use one of the filters on the dashboard. However after I finished the roasts, that one roast still was missing from both Roast Time and Roast World.

They automatically sync upon opening the application, after roasting, and updating a profile. I could add an item to the toolbar to force sync? Regardless I would like to solve the root issue of the problem.

Another roast didn’t save for me again today. I put the roaster in preheat until it was ready for charging the beans. Next I selected a previous profile and selected to play that profile back. As soon as I charged the beans, nothing showed up on Roast Time.

As soon as I charged the beans, nothing showed up on Roast Time.

Sorry, can you explain this bit for me? Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like the timeline went like this:

  1. Started preheating and was taken to the graphing screen
  2. Hit charge
  3. Navigated to the dashboard and selected a profile
  4. Hit “replay” for that profile
  5. Was taken back to the graphing screen(?)
  6. Finished the roast and taken to post roast screen(?)
  7. Went to the dashboard and your latest roast was missing(?)
  1. Started preheating and was taken to the graphing screen
  2. Hit charge
  3. Navigated to the dashboard and selected a profile
  4. Hit “replay” for that profile
  5. Was taken back to the graphing screen(?)

Yes…but nothing displayed on the graphing screen at this point.

  1. Finished the roast and taken to post roast screen(?)

Nope. Didn’t receive the post roast message.

  1. Went to the dashboard and your latest roast was missing(?)


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That is helpful. Thanks! On #5, did anything show at all?

Was it a blank screen?
Graph but with no lines?
Did it eventually start graphing?
Does it only happen on replays?

Is it possible you could take a short video of what happens for me?

On #5 as soon as the playback started nothing showed on the graph and BT, Drum Temp, etc were all zero…no movement. I was able to click the yellowing, 1C, etc buttons but they didn’t display on the graph. I closed out of Roast Time at the next Roast and the next Roast started to display normally. I also noticed my last roasts today (3) all had different roast numbers in Roast World and didn’t align with the previous roasts numbers.

I think this only happened a few times when selecting a previous roast profile after the machine was in “charge” mode. I’ll take a video of this happens again in the future.

I have now just roasted two times and none of them appear in RT but they are both in Roast.World. That means I am unable to replay them which is a shame when you finally hit a good profile.

Hey Thomas,

I actually found the issue with this. The profiles are there if you restart the app, right? Basically there is a case where the filters are cached on load of the app, so the end timestamp is filtering out the latest roasts. The fix is in 2.0.6.

I had an issue today while roasting where the first roast didn’t record in Roast Time or Roast World. When I received the charge message, I selected a roast profile to overlay and charged the beans. The old roast profile overlay displayed but the graph for the current roast didn’t display and none of the data was recorded. At the end of the roast I dropped the beans and the roast profile didn’t save.

I’m having the opposite issue… I did not import all of my roasts into RT2, I have 9 roasts loaded to RT, but only 4 show in RW. My last roast was today, but RW only shows the 4 prior.