Once again, Roastime not connecting to Bullet

As stated above, and man is this getting old, prepared to do a roast, turned on the bullet, plugged the laptop into Bullet, opened Roastime, which recognizes that I am logged in, but the bullet is offline. I can’t count how may times this has happened, but not for quite awhile now.

Went into settings, which tells you to disconnect everything and reconnect. I did this about ten times. Then there is a sentence that says, in essence, “click here” to reset. Problem is, when you “click here”, nothing happens! Doesn’t hyperlink you to a fix page or anything. Just sits there and laughs at you, mocks you…SUCKER!

Tried three different cables.

What the f^&*I)!? Why, after all these years, has this not been fixed? What do I need to do to get the bullet online? I forever will think part of this is due to a chintzy USB port on the back of the control panel that has always seemed to barely be able to hold onto the cable. Has anyone ever replace it?

On another note, I noticed under settings, that the IBTS ROR was not turned on. I upgraded to 1.5 late last year or early this year. What does turning this on do for me?



O.K, never mind. I had had my computer on for several hours.(MacBook Pro) Shut it down last night, and turned it back on this morning. Tah-dah! Just needed a re-boot.