Please need help on roasting natural and honey process. i have a very good beans from marcala but the roast always look like cooked. can someone tell me what should i have to know better


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do i have to decrease the quantity because i think my bullet starting to crash? i hear a sound on the bag of the fan in the end it seam something went wrong.
I did before this one a batch of 700g and didn’t show me this upside-down crash on beans ROR

Looks like time to FC is pretty long. Probably shoot for 7-9 mins. And your development time (time between FC and dump) is pretty short.

I think I’d look at a PH temp of closer to 300°C. At 900g charge, I’d think you wanted to run P9 F2 longer - maybe 2 to 3 mins, then drop power a bit (P8 or P7) to get to FC at the time you want. Drop power a couple more steps at or near FC to get the development time you want.

If you need to fine tune on the fly, fan speed will affect temp much more quickly than power change.

Avoid micromanaging the roast. Ignore RoR, except as a guide to hitting your milestones at the right times.

Do some experiments with really cheap beans, first, just to get a handle on the powers/fan speeds you need to run to hit your milestones at the times you want, understanding you will have to fine tune these when you go to the good beans.



Thank you so much i really need some support actually i am struggling. i am delivering to someone professional who has a specialty coffee shop and he is relying on me. he is taking from me the natural process 80 which has a rose aroma and very beautiful flavors i tried profile 2 for this lot but the client told me that it is a few taste ashes.
can i know your opinion?

and for the development time, i try always to keep it 1 min 30 seconds to keep the roast light.

The change from P9 to P3 seems extreme. The Bullet doesn’t have a lot of drum mass, so removing power and adding fan will drop the temperature FAST.

Maybe smooth the power change. Instead of P9 —> P3 all at once, try P9 → P7 → P5 over a longer period. (I’m just guessing here, I dont do many 900g batches)

(edit: oh, I read more of the thread and see you tried that. )

Personally, I like a longer development time - 4-5 mins. The common wisdom (and we know wisdom isn’t very common!) is that development time modulates between fruity/acidy at the shorter end of the spectrum and fuller body at the longer end.

Once you get a handle on the thermodynamics of your roaster and decide on the color (drop temp) of the roast you want, you can play around with development time to see what kind of effect it has.

Per Motrten Munchow, shoot for 9 min to FC and 3 min development, then start playing around. But don’t use nice beans to figure out how your roaster works, use the cheap shit. Once you can reliably hit your milestones with the cheap beans, then play around with color with the good stuff. And once you dial in color, start playing with development time.

Resist the urge to change a bunch of stuff at the same time. If you do, then you don’t have any idea of what had which effect.



Even with a large batch size of 900g, I’d suggest you start with a higher fan speed earlier on. That will keep some of the heat from over roasting the inner bean. Also I agree with the others on the power decreasing over the roast. The pre heat and then P9 for such a long period of time is going to carry a ton of momentum and heat which is why the beans are tasting like ash to your customer.

One thing I learned from an online course is to do a trial roast where you keep all the settings the same the whole roast, high power typically. Then take the beans all the way to second crack. Then note the time and temp that happened. And create a plan on how far you want to take the beans so the next roast you can dial back on the settings to hit the desired end color and temperature

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amazing ok well noted

yes, i will do that. i was trying roast rebels’ third waves(Roast profiles for Aillio Bullet R1 V2 | Roast Rebels) but it seems that the light color is nice but we have after-taste ashes.

ok well noted i will adjust and take your advise into consideration

This is an old thread, so I am curious how the OP faired after more attempts.

It is my understanding, based on what others have said, that if you roast naturals or honey process the same way you roast washed/wet process, you will likely burn or at least get some roastiness. But I also don’t know how to roast naturals. I tried once, and it was weird. Fortunately, I’m not a big naturals drinker, but I occasionally buy a few pounds. I have a naturals roast coming up, and pretty scared. Haha

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Any progress?

I could be an outlier but take a look at your drum… This is from personal experience. About 2 years ago, I had a nice Ethiopian bean and I gave it to a friend to sample. They said it tasted fine but it had a super roasty/ashy taste even though it was roasted light/med-light.

I was really confused and maybe about 3-4 roasts after I had that particular batch, I had a super burnt bean that got stuck somewhere in the drum. It was imparting the smoke flavor into the lighter roasts. Luckily, it came out and I haven’t had an issue since but it was kind of like a freak accident.

But good luck and I hope that you’ve gotten it down!


Had the same experience a while back, and check for stuck beans during cleaning now. thanks for sharing!

With naturals, I still notice beans that look like they were pinned to the drum wall for longer than other beans, as they are burnt on one side. With washed beans, I don’t notice this.

I have always heard that the best way to roast naturals is to pretend that its already partially roasted out of the gate. Meaning that its easier to get that ash taste from either too long of a total development time or too long to FC. Or at least that’s how I take it.
I’m just learning to roast and the answers in this thread really were good food for thought. Thanks everyone!

Well, I’ve been looking at your profiles to see where the roaster started behaving badly, and there were some signs in May 2023, but it really took off in June. The worst case scenario is that you should replace your bean probe, which seems to be faulty. A screenshot from the preheat screen would help. Other things to consider, which are less likely, is the connection with your computer that might be sending faulty data, meaning to try swapping the USB cable you’re using and see if it gets you somewhere, and your bean probe might be too dirty to present the right data. As I’ve said, it’s most likely a faulty bean probe, but try cleaning it and swapping the cable just to exclude those.

Read that thread all the way through. There are other things there, but I’ll say it one last time, I doubt it will help, although I hope it will.