G’day, thanks for the reply. I’m a little more old school and like my coffee a little darker, fuller bodied and a subtle hint of fruit. I tend to roast around 3.5 minutes from first crack or around 25% DT.
Still experimenting though as I’ve only had my Bullet for a few months and It’s a little different from the large commercial roasters I’ve been playing with for the last 15 years.
I’m on the Central Coast, so not too far away. More than happy to compare notes if you like.
G’day Ian,
Wow, 15 years experience as a commercial roaster. You are way ahead of me.
Would love to compare notes for sure.
For starters, where do you buy your greens from? I am getting mine from Coffee Snobs in Melb.
Kind regards
Just want to throw my 2 cents on this, I think this conversation could be very mislead. Bean to bean I’ve had FC’s at 355f to 390f, and even that spread with the same bean over different profiles. The reason being that coffee doesn’t have a set fc point. it cracks when the bean core reaches a certain heat (different than the Btemp reading, though often they correlate). Because of this if I change my charge temp by a decent amount (lets say 20f) that will change the FC temp, because I’m throwing more heat into the core of the beans at the beginning of the roast.
This is all not mentioning humidity, bean moisture content, or your ambient temp, which are HUGE variables. I live by the coast of BC, Canada, a humid space, and I moved inland for this past summer where it’s much dryer and my FC’s dropped 15f, and my weight loss jumped as well.
All of that to say I believe there is no proper stat for FC, weight loss, or development ratio, because of how much each roasting spaces variables change.
Hope that gives some insight.