POLL: What temp is YOUR 1st & 2nd crack on the bullet?

Pick the closest to your temp with regards to the START of 1st or 2nd. (Temps in F)

1st Crack Temp

  • 350
  • 355
  • 360
  • 365
  • 370
  • 375
  • 380
  • 385
  • 390
  • 395
  • 400

0 voters

2nd Crack Temp

  • 410
  • 415
  • 420
  • 425
  • 430
  • 435
  • 440
  • 445
  • 450
  • 455

0 voters


What drives this poll is the quest for an understanding of 1st crack average on the bullet and its sensors. The more you google 1st crack temp, the more answers you get. Take for example, Sweet Marias lists the 1st crack and second at exactly 20 degrees HIGHER than I get. I know beans vary and roasters sensors vary. BUT, 20 degrees is pretty huge.

I roast to sight, sound, smell, smoke, and temp. Just always looking to further my technical understanding and help the community out at the same time.


Just wondering if what your found for SM numbers if those were FC and SC for the Bullet or from the big commercial roaster?

Not sure, but it was on the Roasted Coffee Color Card at the top…


First crack temp is consistently 211 C (412 F) on IBTS over 150+ roasts. I’m surprised that this is outside your poll options. This is on a V1.5 roaster when the IBTS system was first introduced.

I don’t know what second crack temps look like.


That’s REALLY high… Hmm. A simple google of “1st crack temp” results in 385. Only Sweet Marias lists anything a lot higher, and yours is much higher than everyone else’s. Wonder if there’s a sensor issue going on?

My FC point averages 398-401F depending on the bean, usually around 398F


Same! I am on it at 390 listening until I hear the magic pop, pop, pop moment. My issue is one of when does it really end?!?!?!?!!?!?

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I guess it probably does finally stop but from what I’ve seen 2Ce can just trail off. I’ve even heard a 1C pop as 2Cs begins. And coffee still tastes good. So marking 1Ce is more a discipline related to finishing the graph data. By the time the roast gets to about 426°F I’m bored enough I mark it (fully expecting one more pop as a farewell salute!).


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Yea I’m in US and use metric. I was thinking there would be more responses if metric was used it was a pain in the but to answer the question.

Also I’m thinking altitude of the roaster would shed a little light on things too


If you split the average difference between 390F and 395F, the average would be 392F or 200C.

Altitude would be helpful if there is a way to correlate the altitude to the FC temp.

Would also be interesting to know who chose their FC temp by IBTS or Bean Probe

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Maybe I’ll do an Imperial vs Metric thread someday.

I too use metric and don’t have the patience to convert to F.

Somewhat bean dependent, FC @ IBTS 200-205, 2C @ ~220 if I hear it at all.

I think ambient temp is just as important as altitude. I roast small batches, usually 227g,and ambient plays a big role in how they progress.

Looking at other users roasts has been frustrating for lack of disciplined data, so I’ve pretty much stopped using them for any serious research. I assume this poll is because of the same?


looking at other’s roasts is full of frustration, especially on a one by one basis. In another thread i’m testing out other users’ recipes and results are pretty dramatically different at times. Being able to work with larger data pools to get a better sense of where things are. Like being able to choose roasts done with 120v in ambient temps between 21C-28C would be better than even getting a celebrity roaster recipe.

It won’t be perfect, but at i believe working off of greater averages are better benchmarks to learn and improve.

Would also be interesting if we could sort data by whether the forms are complete or not.

part if what makes data difficult is not having the option to share what we upload to Aillio. Some people run a small craft roasting business and don’t want every single roast to go towards machine learning and so they find ways to keep their work offline or obscured. In my mind those people would have to have discipline to be able to do that, so what we get instead are less innovative people that don’t really care. Because Aillio is dead set on getting all your data or none of it. wish there was a middle ground.

I’m pretty sure Sweet Maria’s has made some mistakes on this card, or maybe their coffees aren’t all properly dried.

I just had an 11 min Sumatra roast that finished at 430F (221C) with a 17% moisture loss. I heard the first snaps of second crack right as I opened the door to drop the batch. Based on their roasting card, that roast data doesn’t make a lot of sense. Either that roasting card isn’t very helpful or that coffee was REALLY wet.

I’m at sea level indoors at 72 ambient 50% humidity with FC 395 F to 400F consistently.
ps: I have not found a good correlation between the SM color card and drop temps and my results. I measure the color of each batch with a Dipper meter (which is a great instrument).

Oh wow, 17% moisture loss… I rarely get anything over 12% but I am roasting in Australia and I have never roasted Sumatran beans.

Regarding sharing data on Roast World, recognizing there are some commercial users who view their roasts as trade secrets, so for them, it’s understandable not to share. For everyone else, it could make Roast World much more valuable. The thing that would make the profile useful is a star rating (Did you think the coffee was good) and tasting notes. Answer the question What kind of coffee did this profile produce, bad, good, or great coffee, Otherwise what do you learn from the profile? In the comments section of the profile input page, I expand on the star rating, color including AGS, tasting notes, and anything else that would help with the next roast of this coffee. If all those who want to share and help the group learn did this the value of Roast World, in my opinion, would go up enormously You can hover over the little cloud icon and it displays your notes when you are looking at a profile. I use 3 stars an O.K. drinkable, 4 really good coffee, and 5 KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF. I would be great if more roasters invested in recording the results so we could all learn. Example: https://roast.world/gilbertwilliamson.db/roasts/YgFIIoAWSZE2x5SQOQeli


I’m in Australia too, which is really of no consequence but I normally have 15% loss, but then I roast darker for espresso. I can get that you’ll end up with 12% loss with a lighter filter roast. I think a 17% loss when dropping at 221 C is reasonable

Hi there mate. I roast for espresso too but never too dark. I would describe my roasts as medium rather than light. I drop anywhere from 1.5 minutes to 2 minutes after first crack and I never go to second crack. My moisture loss is usually between 10% to 12% perhaps because the beans I have are about a year old and may have dried naturally over that time. Anyhow, where in the great land of Oz are you? I am in Sydney. :slight_smile: