Ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Bullet und zwar habe ich den Motor des Abluftventilators ersetzt und jetzt dreht dieser anscheinend langsamer. Das heisst ich muss auf F9 schalten wo ich vorher auf F2 war.
Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Freundliche Grüsse
Stefan Bösiger
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good day
I have a problem with my Bullet and I have replaced the exhaust fan motor and it now spins slower. That means I have to switch to F9 where I was previously on F2.
Hab ich gemacht! Ist etwas besser geworden musste bei der Röstung aber so ab 5min den Fan Speed immer mehr hochstellen weil er zu schwach war den Chaff nach hinten zu transportieren.
Google Translate:
I did! Has gotten a little better during the roasting but had to increase the fan speed more and more from 5 minutes because it was too weak to transport the chaff backwards.
To clarify Bruce’s reply - there is one calibration routine and you need to make sure the chaff collector housing is NOT attached. The benefit is you can see and hear the fan ramping up to full in stages so you can verify the fan is actually running, and whether the speed is increasing. Either of those failures could be a bad motor (it happens) or a bad connection to the motor board.
Once the calibration is completed successfully you can then select bl16 or bl26 in the setting (or off). You should choose bl26 for the newer motor.
Well Stuart you’re right of course… my bad. I had a relapse of foot-in-mouth disease brought on by typing a reply before checking the procedure.
The Online Manual has the procedure for exhaust fan calibration. The procedure starts on Page 14. And there are separate procedures for the 120VAC Bullet and the CE-Approved 220VAC Bullet. Not anything new here except that this time I read it. Twice. To make up for last time!