I just downloaded and installed the MacBeta 1.1.1 and updated the R1’s firmware through that. After doing so the FanSpeed and Power buttons are not functional during the PreHeat phase (however I can adjust the fan speed thru the Mac software, though not the Power, which is stuck on P7). During the BeanLoading phase the R1 shows values of P0 and F0 and the drum seems to slow down. After the BeanLoading phase, when the “Roasting Has Started” the machine works just fine–with all buttons’ functionality in good order and proper interfacing between RoastTime and the R1. Is there something that can be done to remedy some of these points, are they bugs or is everything as per design?
How do you sync your roast on MacBeta with RoastWorld? I clicked the “Update” button after a roast but it’s not showing up on RoastWorld although I’m signed in. Please note that I tried signing-up with same account names for MacRoastTime and RoastWorld but they do not allow it. Hence is this the problem with sync’ing?
I am not entirely sure what you mean. The account you sign on to Roast.World with is the same as the one you sign onto with Roastime, though it is possible to have a separate community.roast.world account, so perhaps the confusion is there?
Can you send an email to [email protected] so the support staff can assist you? Thanks!
I’m using it every time I roast. It has some bugs and quirks, but it syncs with the online roast tracking system and seems to track things OK. I’ve actually never tried the Windows version so I don’t know what I’m missing on that front. Perhaps other users can compare and try and win me over to installing the software on my Windows VM…
I installed a virtual machine on my Mac yesteday, to see how the windows software was working, as I was unable to get the Mac version to work - at all (never been fan of Electron apps (JavaScript framework)).
Now that I had the chance, I updated the FW from last public version, to the beta version. Today I will check up on the Mac version, to see if it did the trick.