Question on changing preheat temp after preheating started

I should have called the BAC button the PRS button. OOPS Here’s also instructions from the manual.

Ok yes I have seen that and the video mentions how that works in detail. And I have used the back to back and cooled beans while preheating. But my original question here was if there was a way to change preheat temp while in preheat mode where the roastime screen is up and waiting while it gets to preheat temp. To do this now I have to toggle through the 5 modes and start over and lose my profile info. I see now from above I can that if I’m running a recipe or as you pointed out in BAC mode but from just a plain startup I don’t think there is a way to change Preheat temp once it’s started preheating without a complete ‘do over’ as Bruce mentioned.
Which as it stands now just means better planning and making sure I want that temp and not deciding last minute I want to change it.
