Question on changing preheat temp after preheating started

Hi all,

I’m wondering if there is a way to change the preheat temp after I have started preheating without toggling through with the PRS button?
For instance if I accidentally started it too low and I wanted to bump it up without losing my current profile. Or if I see I decide to make a change before the roast starts.
The only way i know how to do it is to toggle through and start over.

Thanks for any info.

I don’t know of any way to change PH once the PH cycle starts. So you’re right: you need a ‘do-over’.


Ok thanks Bruce.

I also wish there were a way to adjust the preheat on the fly while still in preheat mode. It is silly that we have to go cycle through 5 different modes just to change the preheat temp.

I usually set preheat to 295 before I start my roast and let it soak for a bit in charge mode before cycling through all the modes to then set my final preheat temp.

Can we please add this functionality?

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Happy I’m not the only one that sees a need for this. Seems like it would be an easy change.

I’m not sure if this will work for you, but if you’re running a recipe, you can cancel the one that’s running and then switch to a different recipe with a lower or higher pre-heat.

The only way that I am able to change a recipe is to press the PRS button until the Bullet shows “OFF”. then I can change the recipe.

I’ll have to try that but when you say ‘cancel the one that’s running’ is that by using the PRS button? Or something on the Roastime screen maybe? I don’t use recipes that much but would be good to know.


Good question. I’m always using the bullet with a laptop and the RoastTime software, which is where the recipes are created and run from. When you are running a recipe, there’s a icon in the upper right corner of roast time that indicates you’re running a recipe. You would right click, select cancel, then go back to your recipe list and choose the new one you want to run. Unfortunately, I don’t believe you can run a recipe directly on the bullet through the interface; at least not on the R1.

As for recipes, they’re actually pretty handy once you get familiar with setting them up…and you can even convert an existing roast profile into a recipe. If you’re doing a bunch of back to back roasts or using the same bean over and over they’re worth using. They also ensure that you start off with the right pre heat, fan, and drum settings.

Hopefully that helps, but let me know if you have any other questions.

I am using a Windows 11 touchscreen tablet to interface with my Bullet and I love it.

This is the way that I use RoasTime with my bullet.

I normally run recipes.

I have RoasTime on my desktop computer in my home office so that I can work on Recipes in a comfortable chair and ergonomic keyboard, etc. The recipes sync the Internet, so when I start Roastime on my tablet at the Bullet, I will have all of my updated recipes.

  1. Launch RoasTime, go to my Roasts. I then select a roast profile that I liked.

  2. I left mouse click on the 3 dots on the right of the roast profile which will give me options. I then will select and left mouse click on Overlay. That loads the old overlay profile from that roast and I can see the profile on my screen,

  3. from here, I have several choices. If I want to run the recipe that I used to create the profile that I am looking at, I can hover on the recipe icon (it looks like a muffin) and see what recipe I used for that roast.

Side note: I need to get better about consistently naming my roasts. Right now I have the date, Vendor initials, Bean name, weight of the green beans, and the drop temp. For the drop temp, I use the temperature (like 415F) and if I have changed to drop with the Bean Temp probe, I will have 415F BT. I might also add a descriptor, like excellent. Example:

  1. If that is the recipe that I want to use, I left click on the the recipe icon and that will load the recipe.

  2. If I go back to the Active page, There will be a popup prompting me to start the roast pre-heat. Pressing that button will start the recipe.

6 Then I just follow the roast and am ready to press the F1 if the deadman alarm sounds. I can watch the new profile and adjust it if I see that it is varying from my overlay.

After the roast is finished and the beans have just started Cooling, I will press F1 to put the Bullet in Back-to-Back mode. On the Active page, a popup will appear prompting me to start the preheat from the same recipe that I just ran. If I press the button to start the pre-heat, I usually will get the charge prompt in 2-5 minutes. (I usually don’t pre-heat much over 516F, so the pre-heat temp is not much higher than the drop temp.) After the beans have cooled enough, I will press the minus above the F2 button to reduce the cooling fan to 0.

If I need to change to a different recipe. I will press the PRS button until the display says off. Then I can turn off the recipe.
I usually do this by clicking on the shortcut lightning bolt and then clicking on cancel recipe. (there are other ways of canceling the recipe)
Then I select a different recipe and start it.

I can NOT change to a different recipe unless the Bullet is in the Off mode.

The Aillio team has made some great advances to the RoasTime software. Thank you for that Aillio!

Good stuff there. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have a Lenovo touch screen connected to a large monitor to look at when I’m roasting along with another keyboard and mouse. I have another laptop to use where I 'm comfortable too. Really love how everything syncs up seamlessly. I made a recipe from a profile I liked but haven’t actually run it yet.
So if I’m understanding this right, you use the overlay to compare the actively running roast your performing that is following the previously created recipe and that way you can make real time adjustments to keep it following the overlay curve if it starts to deviate? I haven’t tried any of this yet but I’m getting ready to now and I can see how helpful it will be to duplicate a roast. I was wondering what the overlays were for.
BTW, all this time I’ve been thinking the muffin icon was a chefs hat lol. But yeah I see it’s a muffin now!


Yes, that is what I do.

Sometimes I will be roasting a bean that I haven’t roasted before and I will pick a roast recipe for a “similar” bean. Then I can adjust the roast a little if needed. It is also interesting to see how close the profile is for this years green bean compared to last years green bean harvest.

Another thing that I will do is roast a bean longer or shorter. (darker or lighter) to bring out different flavors.

As an example:

I might roast a bean to a lighter shade and drop earlier. Maybe drop half a minute after the start of first crack.

Then roast the same bean again and drop it 3.5 minutes after the start of first crack to develop more chocolate flavors and some sweetness.

I might even blend the light and dark roasts from the same bean together. I usually do that in a ratio of 3 parts light roast and 1 part dark.


I might buy an inexpensive green bean and roast it to a solid good coffee that nobody would complain about but also might not find very interesting.
I will then roast a more expensive coffee that maybe has very fruity notes and might be too much to brew and drink as a single origin and blend 10 to 30% with the solid (inexpensive) coffee to add some subtle differences.

Roasting coffee is kind of like having a big chemistry set and trying different things to see the outcome.

I am far from being an expert but I play a lot with roasting and blending. My neighbors love the leftovers from my experiments. I roast a lot more coffee than I can drink myself. :slight_smile:

Very cool. I’ll have to try some blending. I work part time in a coffee shop roastery and we stock a lot of blends in bulk and I blend a ton of coffee but never did it at home. The owner picks the ratios per blend. We have four plus the usual Mocha Java which I mix as it’s sold from our Java Estate and Harrar 50/50.
Nice mug! I got coffee coming out my ears :ear: lately. Love roasting on the Bullet.

You should be able to change to a different recipe even if the roaster is in preheat by doing the “cancel recipe” option, then going back to the recipe page and selecting the “play” button for whichever one you want to run. I’m not sure if it’s a firmware issue, but this works for me on the latest update. You’ll get a notification on screen saying that the PH temps are different and that the roaster will now switch over to the new one.

I have the latest versions and that’s great if it works for recipes which seems like I should start using like you all do. Although I still wish I could cancel and change preheat without starting from scratch again. Just a minor annoyance at this point though.
At any rate I think I understand the overlay and recipe functions much better now :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the information Sobremesa. I ran through a couple of roasts today and tried the cancel recipe and then started a new recipe with the play button and it worked for me.

The play button was a big part of it.


Hi, I was able to change the preheat temperature between roasts I press the P1 button then adjust up or down using the ± button above it. Then the BAC button to go into preheat.

Wow interesting! I’ll have to try that. Is this when you’re already in the BAC mode after a previous roast? Or could I do this from a normal preheating mode? Is this documented somewhere or you just figured out how to change it?

See this roastrebels video at 46:40 when Steffan Lav says how to change the preheat temp between roasts. (press P1 when in cooling mode and then adjust preheat. Excellent Q and A video about the Bullet. Ingo has many great videos on youtube. The process may vary with older models.

You can take off the chaff box and change out the chaff filter at the same time if you are doing naturals or multiple roasts.


Ok great stuff here in this video. I have really learned a whole lot from all the answers and input I got from you guys when I asked my original question.
